4.4 Childhood Attachment Experiences
I always have been the independent one in my close-knitted family, but they love spending their time with eachother and me by going out, watching TV together, chatting a lot. This contributed a lot to my attachment style, because I do find myself independent and I enjoy being with my loved ones. I am very used to be with my family a lot and that holds a huge part to how and why I enjoy being with my significant ones! -
7.3 Major Life Event
My parents' divorce caused some stress in my life during that time. I noticed that I used social support a lot during that summer by being with my friends all of the time. It was kind of a nonverbal support, because they knew that my parents got divorced and they did not talk much about it, but they just spent a lot of time with me and took me out to many places for fun. That helped me a lot to get my mind off it. However, I noticed that I worry about my own relationship because of that. -
7.2 Transitions
From conformist to individualistic transition is something that I have already experienced several years ago. When I was in a high school, I grew to learn that there is so much more than just one religion. I started to have more questions about my own religion at that time and I decided to not go to church that much anymore except for holidays. When I went to college, I started to be more individualistic, because I gained my knowledge in science, self mediation, self care, & my own faith. -
1.1 The Beginning
When I arrived Gallaudet University as a second year student on this date for my first official paid part time job training with Campus Activities, I felt more responsible and mature. Throughout the year, I found myself more aware of what I need and want, I became more committed to look over my budget needs, and so on. I also became extra independent by traveling and exploring the countries even if I had to be at home for a short time. This was the peak of my self-discovery. -
2.1 Oxidative Damage
To prevent ourselves from free radical damage, we should stick with natural antioxidants without taking too much of vitamin pills. Let's talk about having a balanced diet of super food like grapes, dark green and orange vegetables. They contain different types of vitamin that fights against age-related disease like heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis. It can be bad if we eat too much of them For example, dark green vegetables contain thiocyanates and that can block iodine absorption. -
2.3 My Current Healthy Lifestyle
My current lifestyle is pretty healthy. I don't always eat well everyday, because the food from Cafeteria can be boring. So, I'd grab Easy Mac from the Bison Shop or eat out sometimes, which is unhealthy. In fact, I eat better at home. During my free time, I do go out and work out at Field House for 45 minutes for 3 or 4 times a week. I'd love to start working out 5-6 times a week and sleep better, because I usually sleep 5-6 hours during week nights, which is terrible. -
2.4 Potential Consquences Of My Lifestyle
Like I mentioned before, I don't always eat well; I am lacking on eating vegetables and fruits here on the campus. If I contiune this habit, then I do have a bit of risk for cancer. I believe that I will eat much better later on when I have my own place, because I do eat well at home, but I'd like to improve on that part by buying fresh fruits and vegetables that I like from a food store and eat them at the dorm. That will help a lot! -
4.3 Adult Attachment Style
Secure attachment style sounds like me in many ways. It is not always easy for me to emotionally close to others, but when I get comfortable then it is easier. For example, I am fine with having my important ones that asks me for some advice or just to hang out and I'm fine with asking for help, to go out somewhere, and chill together. I find myself asking my partner to just be with me and do nothing; I do feel secure that way. I am like this with only my important and loved ones. -
6.4 Loevinger's Individualistic Stage
Nicole's story about her grandmother, Mary Noreen made me to think of this stage. She shared that Noreen got a boyfriend when she got so old to have a companion, but that did not last long for them for a reason: she spent most of her life being independent and alone. She eventually had to step out of her feeling of being individual when she was not able to drive and cook all by herself and she moved to nursing home. -
6.3 Erikson's Ego Integrity
In Emma's video about Nonna, I noticed that there was an ego integrity verus despair stage. Nonna went through a lot of things during World War and Great Depression. She had to work a lot for small amount of money. She learned that what was done is done and wouldnt change a thing even if it was not good. She is statisfied and happy with her life at this age and all she wants to see is the peace in this world. On the bottom line, she is ok with her past and she appreciates what she has (wisdom). -
7.1 Fowler
Individuative-reflective faith fits me the most right now, because I am pretty disconnected from my religion that I always grew up with, because my knowledge has been expanded in scienfictic way and I became more skeptical. This is the room where I start asking questions and establish my own belief instead of following something. The change that might will happen is when I learn how to view people as from the universal community later in my life. -
4.1 Young Adult Role Transition
I do expect experiencing the move out part at this age (23). I can imagine myself moving out at this age, because I believe that I'd have a job and it is a good age to live in a apartment with my partner or roommate to learn how to be independent and explore in a new city. Living apart from the parents could be difficult if I lose a job and can't afford the apartment because of that. That might will make me to move back in my parents house, but if I have a stable job, then I should be fine! -
4.2 Older Adult Role Transition
At 25 years old, I can imagine marrying the person who I have been with for three years already. 26 is the average age when women marry someone, so I feel that this actually does make a sense. In general, marriage are typically healthy (Bjorklund, 2009). I'd say that it'll still be challenging in a way, because we'll have to discuss about our finance; what we should spend together and et cetera. We can always make sure that we share our ideal budget for things we need and things will work out. -
6.1 My RIASEC Type
I got social as my top personality trait and it is very true. My major is Communication Studies with Psychology as my minor, so I definitely do want to work closely with people. Working at a coffee shop, health care social worker, registered nurse, flight attendant, clergy, and can be fitting to the social personality. In fact, I found that owning and working at a coffee shop is what I would love to do in the future, because this has a lot to do with my second personality type, enterprising. -
2.2 Genetic Limits
Telemere length shorens as we get older and it is possible for us to slow down the loss of telomere length. It has a lot to do with stress and inactivity, so let's talk about having a pill that contains a multiple vitamins that will boost you an energy to work out and release your stress at the same time. It is not always the best solution, because once we depend on this pill that contain those vitamins, we might forget how to find different ways to motivate ourselves to work out without thepill -
6.2 Super's Stages
Maintenance stage will occur when I'm around 45 years old. If I actually got this opportunity to own a coffee shop business before that age, then I'd feel that this is the time to update my shop by reevaulating what food that would be unique to combine with coffee by asking around and do my own research so that I can add renew the menu to have extra options and if it is successful, then I might would want to establish a second location in a different city. -
3.1 Prospective Memory
Later in life, my prospective memory could decline and this can impact my IADL. Because of that, the challenges could be forgetting to pay a bill on that day, making a phone call, or taking a medication. In fact, I will have to accept this fact that it does happen to some elders, then I will find a solution to avoid forgetting something. For example, writing things down on the planner/calendar with full details so that I won't have to forget something that I need to do on that day. -
3.2 Semantic Memory
Semantic Memory can start declining way later in life. With that decline, it is possible for me to forget little things like knowing how to use sicssors or names If I could not really remember a name of that tv show. Someone else could just compensate this for me by giving me a name of character that acted in the tv show then I could recall. I also could use my episodic memory if it doesn't really decline as my reinforcement. -
8.1 The End
Hatfield, Kaleen, 78 years old, passed away surrounded by family on September 12, 2073. Survived by her family; sister, Meghan. Predeceased by her parents, Karen & Michael; aunt, Jill; uncle, Ryan; grandparents, Judy and Stan. Funeral service will be held in Eagan, Minnesota at 2 P.M. on September 22nd at Acaia Park. She went to Metro Deaf School, MN State Academy for the Deaf & Gallaudet University. Involved in the Phi Kappa Zeta Sorority. Donations can be made to any deaf charter schools.