Kaitlyn's 13 colonies timeline project

  • Period: to

    Kaitlyn's 13 colonies project

  • Jamestown is founded

    Jamestown is founded
    In 1607 Virginia Co. founds Jamestown. The town was built on a swampy land, not good for farming, or drinking water. Jamestown Virginia is part of the Southern colonies.
  • The First Thanksgiving

    The First Thanksgiving
    In the fall of 1621 they held he firstThanksgiving.They were very thankful to have an abundance of food and no longer be starving.
    Their celebration lasted for three whole days!
  • Maryland was founded

    Maryland was founded
    In 1632 Maryland was founded by Goerge Calvert. Maryland is part of the Southeren colonies. Which means it had a long growing season, mild weather, fertile land, and plenty of rain.
  • Connecticut is Founded

    Connecticut is Founded
    In 1632 Connecticut is founded by Thomas Hooker. Connecticut is part of the New England Colonies. Their economy mostly thrived on ship building, fur trading, fish, and whales. They were fotunate to have ocean waters, fertile soil, forests, and rivers.
  • Pennsylvania was founded

    Pennsylvania was founded
    In 1681 Pennsylvania is founded by William Pen. William Penn was a quaker that belived they should live peacefully with Natives.pennsylvania was part of the middle colonies.