
Kaitlyn Chillo's Timeline 10/1/18

  • Moving to New York

    Moving to New York
    I lived in New York when I was a baby and then moved to Florida. After that my parents split up and my mom and I went back to Massachusetts. My mom fell on hard times and couldn't really take care of me anymore. There was no one else to really take care of me except my aunt that I used to live with when I was a baby. Of course at the time I didn't realize moving in with my aunt would be a permanent thing until all these years passed and I still live in New York.
  • Starting Pre-School

    Starting Pre-School
    I started pre-school here in New York but I started a little late because of when I moved here. Since I was new to the area I didn't know anyone in the area and I definitely didn't know anyone in the school. I wasn't good making friends either because I was shy and was still trying to adjust and get used to this new place and I had to get adjusted to the school itself because I started a little later than everyone else. I don't think I actually made any friends until later that year.
  • Learned to swim

    Learned to swim
    I was 6 years old and my friends always talked about going into a pool or going to beach to swim and at my house we had this huge pool but I didn't know how to swim. So I decided that I wanted to take swimming lessons to learn because I scared of going under water and I figured lessons would help me overcome my fear. I took lessons for a few years, I had a nice instructor who helped me gradually overcome my fear of being under water. Once that happened I was able to move up to different levels.
  • Went to Disney

    Went to Disney
    My family and I were going on vacation but I had no idea where we were going until we landed in Florida. I was so amazed by the statue characters at the airport and couldn't wait to meet the ones at the park. When we got to Magic Kingdom, I didn't mind standing in line for about an hour just to meet Mickey and Minnie. Another surprise for me was the character breakfast and going on the different rides. I was scared of a bunch of rides and didn't go on them but I had a great time anyway.
  • Cousin's Wedding

    Cousin's Wedding
    I'd never been to a wedding before, so when I was invited to my cousin's wedding I was anxious to find out what weddings were like. I was asked to be a junior bridesmaid and I had no clue what It meant. I didn't know the extent of involvement I would have until I had to go to dress fittings and find shoes. I didn't realize everyone would be looking at me, I was nervous to do this but didn't want to disappoint anyone so I took on this challenge and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.
  • Biking Accident

    Biking Accident
    At my mom's house I would always ride my bike there because they have a lot of land and space to ride on the property. I always wanted to go fast and on the rocky uneven area. I've done it before so this time I figured it would be the same. I went that same way on that day but I went too fast and I flipped the bike. I landed on the concrete. When I got up from the ground I noticed that blood was pouring down my leg, I didn't cry or anything, I just calmly walked back to the house to clean up.
  • Winning The Game

    Winning The Game
    I wasn't really allowed to play any violent video games but one day I convinced my aunt to let me get Call of Duty: Black Ops because that was the popular shooter game at the time. I started playing the campaign mode but I realized It was harder than I thought It would be. I kept dying in the game and it frustrated me. I didn't give up though. I kept repeating the missions and it took me months to actually finish the whole campaign mode. I felt accomplished because it took me so long to finish.
  • The First Convention

    The First Convention
    I had been a fan of The Walking Dead and I thought it would be cool If I got to meet Norman Reedus who played my favorite character. I knew that there were conventions that celebrities went to so I began to look at them. I found a Walking Dead related con to called Walker Stalker Con. I knew this would be my chance to meet Norman and some other actors from the show. I convince my aunt to take me and we met a lot of the actors including Norman who was very friendly and gave me over 3 hugs.
  • Starting The Collection

    Starting The Collection
    I'm into a lot of shows and one day online I ran across sword replicas from Game of Thrones. I ran across one I really wanted. It was Jon Snow's Longclaw replica. The only problem was that I didn't have any money to afford it, it was close to $300. Instead of spending my birthday money or Christmas money I saved it and any other money I got until one day I actually had enough. I bought it and when it came I put it up. That was the beginning of me collecting expensive sword replicas.
  • Passed Out Meeting JDM

    Passed Out Meeting JDM
    Jeffrey Dean Morgan is my favorite actor, so when he was announced for a convention I was going to, I knew I had to meet him. After meeting at his table It was time for a picture with him but I was so overwhelmed with everything that I passed out and had to be taken to a medical unit. After staying in the medical unit they took me to the front to meet him. I was in a wheelchair and he helped me out and instantly took me into a hug for the picture. That was something I'd never forget.
  • Planning A Trip

    Planning A Trip
    My best friend moved to South Carolina in 8th grade. She normally visits New York in the summer but I don't get to see her because I would be away. A few years later we decided it would be a cool idea for me to go to South Carolina to visit. We started to figure out a good time for me to visit and we eventually picked the summer of 2018. She took a week off work in July so I got online and checked flights and made reservations. I felt like an adult because I'd never planned a trip before.
  • South Carolina

    South Carolina
    I flew to South Carolina by myself and managed to find my way through both LaGuardia and Myrtle Beach airports without help. I don't like to fly and was terrified on the plane, but I dealt with it because I wanted to see my best friend. We spent most days sightseeing. We went to the boardwalk and I got to see The Upside Down House, tigers and other tourist attractions around Myrtle Beach. It was interesting to see how different everything was in The South compared to up here in New York.
  • Getting Over My Fear of Needles

    Getting Over My Fear of Needles
    I never liked needles, any time I had to get a shot or blood work I would always put it off. I knew I wanted to get a tattoo though. The Avengers symbol on my forearm. My uncle agreed to let me get one. I went to the studio and met my artist and made the appointment. The day of my appointment I was nervous. My artist reassured me that it wasn't that bad as I thought and It didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would. It was tolerable and it only took an hour. Now I want even more tattoos.