The First Computers Appeard
Computers were very big and heavy and they programmed with wires. -
Period: to
First Generation
When the first computers was appeared. -
Eniac Was The First Computer With General Purpose. -
Period: to
Second Generation
The Transistors.
The transistor is a small electronic component that improved the speed of a computer. The transistor appeared in this time. -
The Punched Card
A punched card were little pieces of still paper with holes. -
Period: to
3rd Generation
The Chip.
A small Electronic Circuit that works together with other electronic devices in a computer. Chips appeared in this time. -
The Processor
A processor is a chip that executes the instrucctions of the programs in a computer. The first processor appeard in this time. -
Period: to
Fourth Generation
The Graphical Interface
A Graphical Interface is a informatic program that use images and graphic objects to represent information. The first operating systems with graphical interface appeared in this time. -
The Computer Network
A computer network, too called communication network of information are informatic equips and software connected among they. -
It's a global world wide system of interconnected computer networks that share information and rescoures. In this generation computer were connected in networks for the first time in forever. -
Period: to
5th Generation
Multimedia Tecnology
Is a tecnology that is a combination of contains forms of text, sound, image, animation, video and interactivity. In this generation multimedia tecnology has esperienced a great development.