Justin's technology timeline

  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    The Wii is one of my favorite gaming systems. My brother and I loved to play Mario Kart and Super Mario Bros.
  • Xbox

    For Christmas my dad gifted me and my brother a Xbox 360 that we would play almost every weekend. The Xbox was beyond fun for us since we were able to play Kinect games with the Xbox Kinect. Since my brother and I had a passion for basketball we loved to play NBA 2k and play as our favorite players.
  • Playstation 3

    Playstation 3
    The PlayStation three was great since the online games were free and I could play NBA 2k online without having to pay for it. At the time I was in my WWE faze and played WWE 2k13 everyday pretending to be the wrestler CM Punk. The Playstation three was great for playing games with family and friends because of the huge variety in games.
  • Playstation 4

    Playstation 4
    My favorite all time console is the Playstation four because of all the memories I built with my friends. There were many nights that I would stay up playing NBA2k16 or Fortnite and just having a good time with my friends. The graphics took a huge leap from the Playstation three to the Playstation four which made the console even better.
  • iPhone 5s

    iPhone 5s
    I got an iPhone 5s which was very exciting for me since it was my first phone. I used it a lot to keep in contact with my friends and family. I used to watch a lot of NBA mixtapes on YouTube and try to mimic the moves in real life.