nobel order of the knights of labor
organized by philadelphia garment workers in 1869. opened to farmers, merchents and wage earners. had equal pay for equal work. abolition of child laor. had an 8 hour work day. -
Haymarket Square Riot
workers in chicago wanted 8 hr. work days. 8 police men died and 100s were injured. public saw unions and anarchists as a problem. police tried to break it up but unsuccesfull. -
american federation labor
focsed on better working conditions. had better pay than most laor federatons. union labels on produced items. craft oriented. -
how the other half lives
documented living conditions in new york city. it says how people just dumped their waste on the street on some people. and how people all shared the bathwater and on ly took about 2 a month. -
The Homestead Strike
an industrial lockout and strike culminated in battle between strikers and privae security agents on july 6 1892. it was one of the most serious disputes in US labor history. The final result was a major loss for the union and a setback for efforts to unionize steel workers. -
The Pullman strike
this started because pullman wouldnt lower rents even though they were going through a depresion. this strike effected 27 states. most govenors supported the buissness side. union leaders were arrested and imprisoned. the strike ended. -
The Coal Strike
Strike by the United mine workers of america in the anthracite coal fields of eastern pennsylvania. This strike threatened to shut down the winter fuel supply in all major cities. Teddy Roosevelt suspened the strike so this didn't happen. The strike never resumed. -
the jungle
describes the filthy meat rooms that men worked in. and also show pictures of the dirt on the meat we were eating. this lead the way to the pure food and rug act and the meat inspection act. -
the bitter cry of children
this was written by joh spargo. it exposed harshis by children. it showed people what kids really had to do in these mines. -
the pure food and drug act
usa federal law that proided federal inspection of meat products and forbade the manufacture sale or transportation of adulteraded food products and poisonous patent medicines. kept food clean. also didnt have any already used drugs. -
the national labor relations act
this supports labor. labors right toorganize legally recognized. national labor relations board ceated. power to punish unfair labor practices. -
congress of industiral organization
was part of the afl. broke away from it because it advoated organizaion long industiral lines rather than craft lines. finnally went back into the afl in 1955. -
GM sit-down Strike
This strike was by General Motors. the people went to work but did not work. they just sat at their stations and refused to work. -
fair labor act
for once there was minimum wage. and hours of work a kid can work is limited by government. government regulates hours kids can work. -
Steel Strike
President Trueman didn't let the strike happen at first. this went to the supreme court and the workers won because they have the right to protest. The strike then lasted 53 days and ended on July 24 1952 on essentually the same terms the union had proposed four months earlier. -
Major leauge strike
the 1972 baseball strike was the first players strike in Major league baseball history. It started on april 1st 1972. When baseball resumed the owners agreed to pay the players 500000 increase in pension fundpayments and to add salary arbitration to the collectie bargaining agreement. -
New York City Transit strike
The strike began at 3:00 a.m. on december 20 2005. this effectivly halted all service on the suway and buses. millons of people had to find a diferent way to get places like school and work. the strike ended on december 22 2005 at 2:35 P.M.