Junior Year

  • The truth writes itself out

    The truth writes itself out
    This year I realized that I am a better writer than what I give myself credit for. This helps me feel more confident about myself and the things I do.
  • Period: to

    Junior Year

  • Blood Promise

    Blood Promise
    Blood Promise is a book in the Vampire Acadamy series that i really enjoyed. I loved reading these books and they really helped me become a better reader. They are filled with pages that keep you on your toes.
  • Bloging 101

    Bloging 101
    I was glad when we began puting our stories on our own blog. It was a wonderful experience and gave this class some more fun. I think we should have learned how to do this from the begining of the year.
  • Puppy Love

    Puppy Love
    This was the day my boyfriend Brian asked me out. We are very happy with each other and i guess you can say its puppy love.
    We are still together to this day.
  • The Sneaky Snake

    The Sneaky Snake
    My myth on why snakes slither around on their belly. This essay was really enjoyable because you got to have fun with it and make it whatever you wanted. Which was important to me because it helped me like writing more.
  • Spirit Bound

    Spirit Bound
    Spirit bound was another book in the Vampire Acadamy series. This series really interested me and i couldn't stop til I read them all.
  • The Fight for a Second Chance

    The Fight for a Second Chance
    This was the essay we wrote on who we believed deserved a second chance. The struggle these dogs go through everyday helps me stay strong and keep going for my dream to help animals all over.
  • Prepositional phases

    Prepositional phases
    In the begining i really thought this lesson was pointless. But with the help of Ms. Vaughn I really understood the subject and was able to use it on the ACT.
  • Awakenend

    Awakened is a book in the House of Night series. This series is of course another vampire series. This series is very long though so I have yet to finish. I am currently waiting for the next book to come out.
  • High Expectations

    High Expectations
    This was the letter I wrote to my past self as if i was my future self. It was a reminder to not take life so serious all the time and learn to have some fun.
  • Pronouns

    This was a lesson that Ms. Vaughn taught us during class one day. This lesson also helped me on my ACT.
  • Effective Leads

    Effective Leads
    This is the lesson we learned when we needed to begin writing our I Believe essays. This lesson was pretty boring but it helped my essay to be better.
  • Unearthly

    I decided I needed a break from all the vampire books so i began reading a book called Unearthly. This book is about an angel and her hard work to complete her purpose.
  • ACT

    This was the very first time that I took the ACT. It was scary at first but i did really well. A 24 on the first try really boosted my confidence. Now the only way to go is up and keep shooting for a higher score.
  • PROM!!! <3

    PROM!!! <3
    This was my junior prom. It wasnt the first one i went to so it wasnt really that special but atleast it was mine and not someone else's. I was glad to go with my boyfriend Brian to it.
  • The Walk for Babies

    The Walk for Babies
    This walk is close to heart. Not only was I a premature baby but so was my brother and cousin. They were born a lot earlier than me so they had many complications and were required to stay in the hospital for a long time. But luckily they are both fine today and living happy lives.
  • State

    This year i was lucky to be able to attend the state competition for Women's 8. The ride down there was long but we had a great time shopping, swimming, and playing games. And even though the judges were jerks and gave us bad scores for no reason it was a wonderful experience.
  • Last Sacrifice

    Last Sacrifice
    Last Sacrifice is the last book in the Vampire Acadamy series. This book was my favorite. I couldn't put it down and it just kept me interested the whole time. I couldn't wait to finish it and see how it all ended.
  • Glee- tastic Concert

    Glee- tastic Concert
    Our spring concert was amazing. It was so much fun singing glee in Benton Singers. But the concert was so long and we were out of breathe and sweaty the whole time.
  • GoodBye Seniors

    GoodBye Seniors
    As we all know this was senior's final day of school. Its sad because my very best friend Jordan wont be with me in school anymore. I might get to see her after school and weekends but it wont be the same. I'll miss her.