Pac man
On May 22, 1980 the beloved Pac Man arcade game was released. Created by Toru Iwatani, the game created a huge spark. It was played in arcades all around the world. The game has been played an estimated ten billion times. If it costs a quarter to play, and its been played ten billion times, then the game has made over 2,500,000,000 dollars.
The release of pac man was important because it brought joy to children all around the world. It made loads of money which boosted the economy. -
pac man cont
The children spent their money to play it. It gave money to the arcades which boosted the economy. Everybody loved the new game, except the parents of children who were in arcades all day. This new game was the start of the entire pac man industry.
This event was important because without it we wouldn't have anything pac man, clothing, game systems, old machines, or even the arcade machines in other store/places today. The gaming industry might not be the same without pac man. -
Pac man cont cont
People all over the world loved the new arcade game. It caused a big outbreak in the gaming industry. Everybody loved it I don't think the gaming industry would be the same without it.
If i was at the release of pac man i wouldn't change a thing. I wouldn't change anything, but i would like to attend it. Only because it was a significant event in history. It would've been fun to be one of the first ones to play the game and experience it. -
Challenger cont cont
I would've liked to attend that event so i could wan them before the launch. Then, those people wouldn't have lost their lives. Then, nobody would've died, and we would still have the shuttles we have today. They would still be strong and sturdy. We would still run diagnostics, and we could've had more shuttle missions during the repair time for the Challenger. -
On January 28, 1986, when the challenger space shuttle tried to launch, it exploded. Killing seven people. It exploded just 73 seconds after liftoff, not getting very far. It exploded due to two rubber O-rings, which had been designed to separate the sections of the rocket booster, had failed due to cold temperatures. After this happened NASA halted all shuttle missions.
This event was significant because it halted all shuttle missions for a while after this happened. -
Challenger cont
The challenger was only the second space shuttle to go on a mission, so people questioned if they were really safe or not. Of course the news spread quickly. People questioned if the shuttles were safe, if they weren't, then why were they using them?
Thanks to the challenger, we have learned to run diagnostics a few times before launch. Just to make sure everything's good to go. We learned to build shuttles stronger and sturdier. Ever since then, we have been improving our shuttles.