Julie's Fear

  • Age 4

    My mother told me that I was a fairly confident child. However, I needed to have the closet door shut when I was in a room. I was terrified of open closets.
  • Age 10

    One night when I was sick, I had a bad dream about the ghost of a man who could shoot balls of light out of his chest. I was scared of "the man" for a very long time.
  • age 12

    When I was 12, I had to get some dental work done which resulted in my dentist putting cotton balls in my mouth. Ever since, I've been terrified of them. The texture and sound of them has the same effect on me as nails on a chalkboard.
  • Now

    There is really not much that I am afraid of now. I still have a phobia of cotton balls; which I now know is called "sidonglobophobia".