3761 BCE
Creation of Humans
2150 BCE
Noah's Covenant
Led to the Jewish dietary laws, and the concept of Jews being "chosen people" -
Period: 1850 BCE to 1700 BCE
Jews Migrate to Egypt
1713 BCE
Abraham's Covenant
Led to the tradition of circumcision, as well as the concept of the "promised land" -
1676 BCE
Binding of Isaac
Connected to Rosh Hashanah (the shofar relates to the ram that was sacraficed instead of Isaac). The binding of Isaac is commonly read on Rosh Hashanah. -
1314 BCE
Moses Sees the Burning Bush
Leads to Exodus -
Period: 1279 BCE to 1213 BCE
Led to the tradition of Passover, and the ten commandments were first introduced. -
Period: 1200 BCE to 1050 BCE
Arrival at Canaan
722 BCE
Animal sacrafice became more rare, and the torah became one of the main symbols to represent Judaism. -
423 BCE
First Temple Destroyed
Led to the creation of synagogues and rabbis -
Period: 333 BCE to 331 BCE
Alexander the Great Conquers Israel
Led to hellenization of Jewish culture as greek culture influenced arts and sciences. -
300 BCE
First Synagogue
200 BCE
First Rabbi
Period: 166 BCE to 160 BCE
Maccabean Revolt
Lead to the Hannukah festival. -
63 BCE
Rome takes Control of Israel
Rabbis and synagogues became more mainstream -
Second Temple Destroyed
Led to the tradition of Hannukah, and the "Wailing Wall" landmark. -
Hasidic Judaism is Founded
Reform Judaism Gains Popularity
Period: to
The State of Israel is Created