Richard's Timeline

  • Day I was born

    Day I was born
    During a hot summer day in the Philippines.
    I was the first child my mother gave birth to.
  • Moved to Dubai with parents

    Moved to Dubai with parents
    The beginning of childhood is a major life event for me and it all in the country of Dubai.
  • My first taste of school

    My first taste of school
    I was four years old when I started kindergarten. It was public school where they focus on the English education in Dubai.
  • Moved to another country called Canada

    Moved to another country called Canada
    This transition is where I get to experience a whole complete different culture. This sudden change of life event gave me a brand new perspective and genuine curiosity to the Canadian culture.
  • Elementary

    My first school in Canada only lasted untill grade 5 and so because of this trajectory, I had to move to another new school to begin grade 6 after just adjusting in the Canadian culture for a whole year.
  • 2010 A transition to high school

    2010 A transition to high school
    After all the transition from schools I finally get to entering high school in Canada. This is where I started to feel like I am slowly adjusting to the Canadian culture.
  • I got my first job

    I got my first job
    During this year, I stopped my education and got my first job working in a movie theater. Completely disregarding my academics.
  • Two years later...

    Two years later...
    In the year of 2016 I started to have a genuine interest in the subject of photography. I was always the type to carry a camera in my bag.
  • I got my second job

    I got my second job
    After three years of working in a movie theater I decided to move on and get another job. This time it is a completely different role working in the food industry. I worked in a grocery store
  • The present day

    The present day
    This year I started to feel left behind that all my peers have moved on or graduated school. So I decide to continue my learning and education. For the purpose to get into college or post secondary education one day.