Joshua's Development

  • Birth

    I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii via cesarean delivery due to birth complications. Prior to giving birth, my mom was in a car accident and thus, I was a premature baby. In addition, the doctors ordered that my mother had to give birth now due to fetal distress and what is known as, “breech presentation.” This event is related to the course content because, in the reading, it talks about common types of birth complications and for me, that was a breech presentation. (Section 3.2)
  • First Words

    Like every other typical child, my first words were also “Mama.” In relation to the course content, infant development tends to progress quite quickly with the maturation of many organs. It’s also quite common to have an infant’s language develop through the first year of their life. (Section 4.12)
  • Period: to

    Physical Development

    When looking back at old pictures, it’s quite visible to see how interesting my body grew. My body grew beginning at the top, my head, and continued to the bottom of my body. In addition, my grow grew from the middle of the body and outward. In relation to the course content, these principles are known as the cephalocaudal principle and the proximodistal principle. (Section 4.1)
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    Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

    With my parents both working in the hospital setting and attending a variety of birthing classes, my parents were both aware of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). With that being said, my parents took precautionary measures to avoid such a catastrophic event by ensuring that I’m sleeping flat on my back, hard bedding, wearing one layer of clothing during sleep, etc. These measures are important to be aware of because it’s common for infants to sleep a lot. (Section 4.3)
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    Infant Social Life

    Growing up, I was always a mommy’s boy. I spent most of the time with my mother and my mother would always tell me I would always cry when I wasn’t being carried by her or with her. This is mainly because I grew an attachment with my mother because my father was usually at work making money for the rest of the family. In relation to the course content, these features are quite common in the world across a variety of cultures.(Section 4.18)
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    My parents migrated from the Philippines to Oahu, and they were quite fluent in both English and Ilocano. Although, because I was exposed to both languages at such an early age, my language development continued to grow and prosper for both languages. In relation to the course content, this is quite common for individuals who have been exposed to two languages. (Section 7.9)
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    Within my first year of birth, my mother focused primarily on breastfeeding. Within my first year, although my immune system was still developing, I hardly got sick and helped with my nutritional deficiencies due to my premature birth. In relation to the course content, it has stated that breastfeeding has benefits and one of them being disease protection. With this in mind, this could explain why I hardly got sick. (Section 3.13)
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    Strange Situation Theories

    As I’ve said before, I was always a mother’s boy and grew an attachment from my mother. As a result, whenever I would go out with my mother and I would always cry when I would lose her. However, when I would come in contact with her again, I would stop crying and instantly hug her. In terms of course content, this is known as a “secure attachment.” (Section 5.14)
  • First Steps

    A few months after I reached one year old, I finally was able to walk without the help of anything or anyone. I started to walk a lot when I started to walk without the support of anything, and before my parents knew it, I started running and doing all type of things. Motor development is continuous, and this milestone is one of the many in toddlerhood and other age groups. (Section 5.3)
  • Birth of Younger Sibling

    During toddlerhood, the birth of my little sister has come about. From the reading, it states that toddlers act differently from the birth of a younger sibling. I was told from my mother that after my sister was born, I tend to become much more “rascal,” and paid less attention to what she said to me. For example, I would run away from home and when my mother asked me to do things, I would rather ignore her or do the complete opposite of what she asked. (Section 5.17)
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    Hop Scotch; Gross Motor Development

    My neighborhood friends and I loved playing hopscotch. To make it more difficult, we challenged each other constantly and one of the challenges were using one leg to hop from one square to the other. In relation to the course content, these changes in gross motor development are quite prominent and making hops in a row or hopping in one foot differentiates early childhood from toddlerhood. (Section 6.5)
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    Attend Preschool

    I began to attend preschool because my parents were quite busy and always working. Thus, they didn’t have time to watch me as much. In response to this, they enrolled me in preschool. From attending pre-school, I was able to become even more social and it prepared me much more for kindergarten. In relation to course content, it has shown that when children attend preschool, there are benefits for the children which eventually helped me assimilate into the educational environment. (Section 6.11)
  • Achievement of Seriation through Kindergarten

    The ability to arrange things in a logical order is one of the three achievements needed to place emphasis on achieving concrete operations as noted by Piaget. In my elementary, many tasks revolved around organizing things in a logical order to test our way of thinking. I vividly remember being given different sized blocks to organize in order from smallest to biggest. With no surprise, I was able to do just that which has shown that I was able to achieve the seriation. (Section 7.5)
  • Diagnosis of Myopia

    I was exposed to a variety of material that eventually lead to the development of myopia. I was constantly using a computer to play games and not only that, I would sit down behind a screen for at least 6 hours a day just playing games. Due to this incidence, when I had my annual eye appointment, I was diagnosed with myopia. In relation to course content, this condition is quite prominent within middle childhood years, especially in developed countries. (Section 7.1)
  • Puberty

    Puberty is inevitable for everybody and when the growth of hair at uncommon places began to start, I knew this was an indicator that I am starting to evolve into a much more mature individual. In addition, I figured that because I have reached puberty, my body will now be preparing itself to reproduce. H In relation to the course content, puberty is one of the most distinguishable physical changes within our lifetime. (Section 8.1)
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    Imaginary Audience

    As a student attending school, I was quite self-conscious with myself. Before going to school, I constantly thought about how others would see my outfit. Would they see it as weird or cool? In relation to the course content, this was known as “Imaginary audience.” The idea of an imaginary audience is quite common and has caused many adolescents to become quite self-conscious. (Section 8.8)
  • Attend College

    After high school, I’ve decided to enroll into the University of Hawaii at Manoa with a major in the Bachelor of Science in nursing. I’ve decided to continue my education for various reasons but one of the main reasons is to obtain financial stability in a job I love doing, which is taking care of others with the help of medications and personal care. In relation to the course content, it’s very common for individuals to pursue further education after high school. (Section 9.9)
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    Sleep Pattern Deficit

    As a college student, I often find myself having a hard time sleeping at night. However, during the weekends, I tend to sleep at the same time, but instead of only sleeping for a couple of hours, I usually sleep 10-12 hours. In relation to the course content, it’s common for college students to experience a delayed sleep phase syndrome. This typically means that I have accumulated “sleep debt” which I end up fulfilling when the weekend comes. (Section 9.4)