Josh's History Timeline

  • 27 BCE

    The Roman Empire

    The Roman Empire
    When Rome became the biggest empire in all of the Mediterranean.
  • The Declaration Of Independence

    The Declaration Of Independence
    This was a document sighed by Ben Franklin and many others that declared there independence from England
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The territory the U.S bought from France in 1803 which then doubled the size of the nation
  • The Lewis And Clark Journey West

    When 2 people named Lewis and Clark were hired by president Thomas Jefferson in the 1800 to explore the Louisiana Territory
  • The Texas War For Independence

    When Texas rebelled against the Mexican government which started in October 2 1835 and ended April 21 1836
  • The Trail Of Tears

    When Andrew Jackson's indian removal policy forced the entire Cherokee nation to move to was is now present day Oklahoma in 1838 to 1839
  • The California Gold Rush

    When 2 people found gold in Sutter's Mill in California which then caused a whole lot of people to flood into California since gold was worth a lot of money
  • Attack On Fort Sumter

    Attack On Fort Sumter
    When the confederate states of america fought the union on fort Sumter near Charleston North Carolina
  • World War ll

    World War ll
    When America,France,England and the Soviet Union all fought Germany
  • Brown vs The Board Of Education

    Brown vs The Board Of Education
    In this event the supreme court made a law of making separate public schools for white and black people
  • September 11,2001 or 9/11

    September 11,2001 or 9/11
    This event was very a tragic one in American history from the twin towers collapsing to the planes that crashed into them it was very tragic.
  • My Birthday

    This day is when I was born in November or the thanksgiving month