167640 004 90b75054

Joshua Meyer

  • Estates General called

    Estates General called
    The Estates General was a group of representatives from each estate sent to tell the king about their estates problems. This was very rarely called because the king didn't want to know or really care about the peoples' problems. As long as the people he was acquainted with were wealthy and had lots of land. So, as a sign of disrespect to the third estate, the 1st & 2nd estate locked them out of the Estates General.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    The French Revolution was a period of fear, uncertainty, and triumph. The french have now set down rules and through over the monarchy after capturing the king and queen from Versailles
  • Attack on Versailles

    Attack on Versailles
    The attack on Versailles was the beginning of the revolution. When a group of women called the fearsome fish ladies, led the charge to Versailles and took the King and Queen back to Paris. This had a purpose, the people wanted the King and Queen to see all the penury and starvation going on.
  • Declaration of War

    Declaration of War