Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin was born on Dec. 18, 1878 in the small town of Gori, Russia. Born poor his father a shoe maker and an alcoholic, his mother a laundress. Joseph was also abused as a child. This event is important because he would lead the Soviet Union during WW2 and the Korean War.(Blassingame) -
Commonwealth of Australia Established
Australia will become a formal country. Originally was a place where England and other countries would bring criminals and the poor they didn't want. In 1901 they became there own country. (Mastin) -
Stalin Escapes From Exile
Stalin was involved in many bank heists to help fund the Soviet Democratic Party. He was arrested many times between 1902 and 1913. In 1902 he was exiled to Siberia, he then later would escape from prison in 1904 to go back to help the Soviet Democratic Party. This is important because if he didn't escape he would not be able to help the revolution. (Liversidge 29) -
Albert Einstein developes special theory of relativity
Albert Einstein developed the theory that solved problems that couldn't be solved by classic physics. This also determined the laws of physics and showed the speed of light in a vacuum. (Mastin) -
Lenin Appoints Stalin First Central Commitee Of The Bolshevik Party
Leader of the Bolshevik Party, Vladimir Lenin appointed Stalin the second in command, First Central Committee Of The Bolshevik Party. Role was to appoint allies to government and grow base of political support. This is important because he will then take power after Lenin's death. (History.com Staff) -
Bolshevik Party Seized Power
The revolution was a success, the Bolsheviks seized power from the czars and took power. They then founded the Soviet Union in 1922. This is important because Stalin would later lead the Soviet Union to a military power. (History.com Staff) -
Women Are Granted the Right to Vote in Britain
In Britain women were not allowed to vote until now. Women were banned from voting because of the Reform Act. The women's suffrage movement by 1906 was pushed far enough that they changed the act so that women could vote. (Mastin) -
Stalin Takes power
Lenin dies and Stalin takes power of the Soviet Union. Stalin is a dictator and launches a series of 5 year plans to transform the Soviet Union into an industrial super power. He also wanted the government to control all agriculture. This is important because this will cause Stalin to kill many innocent people in his country. (History.com Staff) -
The Great Purge
Stalin wanted to control agriculture, Stalin ordered millions of farmers shot and killed or exiled. Collectivation led to wide spread famine. Ruled in terror killed anyone who opposed him, expanded secret police, wanted people to spy on each other had millions killed or sent them to gulag camps or labor camps. Disbanded the military and other parts considered a threat. This is an important event because this shows what type of leader Stalin was. (History.com Staff) -
Mahatma Ghandi Leads Salt March
The Salt March was lead by Ghandi. He led peaceful protests against the British Acts. The Salt March was because of the Salt Acts prohibiting people from collecting and selling salt essential to people in India's diet. He fought the act by mass civil disobedience. (History.com Staff) -
Joe Louis Becomes Heavy Weight Boxing Champion
Joe Louis rose through the ranks of professional boxing, became the heavyweight champion and held the title from 1937-1949. The fight was between him and a Nazi ideology a German boxer, Max Schmeling. They met the first time and Joe lost. The second time Joe Louis knocked him out in the first round to be the heavyweight champ. (History.com Staff) -
Stalin and Hitler's Non-Agression Pact
In 1939, Stalin and Hitler signed a non-aggression pact during WW2. After doing this Stalin invaded Poland, Romania, and Finland. Germany later broke this non-aggression pact, the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union. Stalin's way of defense was to scorch everything the invaded so they would give the enemy no support when attacking, the would also loose supplies. This is important because this would lead to the Battle of Stalingrad. (History.com Staff) -
Wizard of Oz Released in Theaters
American musical comedy-drama fantasy film produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and the best-known and most commercially successful representation based on the 1900 novel, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. The film stars Judy Garland as Dorothy Gale. (Mastin) -
The Red Army Defeats the Nazis
The Battle of Stalingrad was a successful Soviet defense against Hitler's Nazi Regime. The greatest and bloodiest battle of WW2. This event was important because this changed the entire tide of the war for the side of the allies which led to the end of the Nazi Regime. (History.com Staff) -
Stalin Leads Nuclear Age and Gives North Korea Permission to Attack South Korea
The Soviet Union is leading nuclear exploration, while North Korea also a communist country wants to attack the United States ally South Korea. Stalin will give North Korea's leader, Kim II Sung permission to attack South Korea. This is important because this will lead to the Korean War. (History.com Staff) -
Death Of Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin died March 5, 1953 at age 74 after suffering a stroke. This is important because he is responsible for the deaths of 20 million people. This lead to his successor Nikita Khrushchev to de-stanlinize the country of Russia.(Carr)