Jose's Timeline

  • My Birth

    My Birth
    I was born on August 17,2000 in Flagstaff Az. I was born blue, and was my parents first. I was born at 10:00 Pm.
  • Moving from Flagstaff to Mesa.

    Moving from Flagstaff to Mesa.
    In 2002 my parents moved with me to Mesa. I was a little young to care, so I was ok with it plus I could live closer to more family members.
  • First trip to Disneyland

    First trip to Disneyland
    Every year of my life my family has made a trip to Disneyland. They really love that place and so do I. The first time I went I was three years old.It was and still is my favorite place for vacation.
  • First day of kindergarten

    First day of kindergarten
    My parents started me in kinder garden when I was four years old because of when my birthday was. I was so excited to start school and make friends.I went to Roosevelt Elementary for school.the school had a huge play ground, well it felt big at the time.
  • My baptism

    My baptism
    In August 2008 I got baptized i was so excited. i had herd all of my friends and my cousin saying how cool it was. They dunked me in the water I think that when I came out I felt the happiest I've ever been.
  • Start of Junior High

    Start of Junior High
    I went to Carson junior high. I didn't really enjoy junior high it was boring and bland to be honest. There were some good moments though.
  • Thirteenth Birthday

    Thirteenth Birthday
    On August 17, 2013 I finally became a teenager. I was so excited that I couldn't sleep the night before. I had a party and received my first phone. The phone was a black I Phone 4.
  • First day of high school

    First day of high school
    In August 2014 I started the long 4 year journey that I am now about to finish. I was nervous at first because of it being a new school and all, but Westwood turned out to be a really cool place after a couple of weeks.
  • First Day senior year

    First Day senior year
    In August 2017 I started my last year of high school. I was really excited to begin and get it over with, but now I think I will miss this school. I feel I'm ready fro what the rest of this year will throw at me.
  • My graduation

    My graduation
    In less than six months I will be completing the long journey that I embarked on 4 years ago. Its been crazy and fun I cant imagine a better way to spend 4 years of my life.