Jose Nazario - Digital Timeline Project

  • Date of Birth

    The day that I was brought into this world. I actually really like my birthday. I love the cold and it's rare to find people born in January.
  • First Day of Kindergarten

    First Day of Kindergarten
    My first ever day of school, so many years ago.
  • Xbox One

    Xbox One
    This one item right here brought me years of joy and happiness. I used it for almost 9 years until I upgraded to a Series X this year. The first game that we got with it was Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 and me and my brother didn't even know how to sprint at the time. I still have it but it runs poorly.
  • Appendicitis

    Was in the hospital because of a appendicitis but luckily, I was able to take antibiotics instead of getting surgery.
  • Covid Shut Down

    Covid Shut Down
    School was shut down for everyone and for a couple weeks, school was not in session at all. I was happy because I was able to play games for a long time but didn't know we would go virtual.
  • Last Day of 8th Grade

    Last Day of 8th Grade
    My last day of being at Smyser Elementary School. That school was amazing. I had to finish the year online and we didn't even get a graduation party or banquet. I met tons of people and friends and taught me a lot.
  • Last day of Sophomore Year (Reflective)

    Last day of Sophomore Year (Reflective)
    I was honestly sad this day but I was thankful. This was my first year of high school that was in person and because of that it changed me for the better and I have benefited from those past changes.
  • My Own Room

    My Own Room
    The day before freshman year started, I finally got my own room for myself. I had been sharing with my brother before hand and we had shared almost every room in the house. From the basement, to the first floor, to the master bedroom.
  • First Day of Highschool

    First Day of Highschool
    My first ever year of high school, and it's all online. A nightmare if you may. That had to be the worst year of school I had of my life, I hated it. That year was the lowest my grades have ever been.
  • My Brothers First Year of H.S (Caring)

    My Brothers First Year of H.S (Caring)
    This was an important day for me also because it was my first year in person in a high school so we were both in the same boat but I wanted to make sure that he didn't make the same mistakes that I did early on into my year. I also noticed that as I changed for the better, he followed my footsteps.
  • Risktaker

    I finally started to change my appearance and it started with my hair along side with my fashion earlier and later on. I used to dress for comfortability but seeing the style of the other students at Taft made me want to change my appearance.
  • Principled

    When new years hit, I realized that time is just going by fast. I realized that having fun is good but also I need to realize that I am growing up and soon I will be in college. I needed to mature and throughout the months I would.
  • My 16th birthday

    My 16th birthday
    This held a lot of meaning to me because of how my family came together but because of really how old I was. Now that I was 16 it had sunken in that I was literally a young man. It's hard for myself to even call myself a child.
  • My Xbox Series X

    My Xbox Series X
    The day I got my next gen Xbox was funny to my family members because at the time I was tired. I was suppose to get it for Christmas the year before but they weren't in stock so my grandma had agreed to get it whenever it was in stock and one day we were at the mall and Gamestop had it so she bought it on the spot. I was so happy but so tired to express it.
  • My First Paycheck

    My First Paycheck
    I received my first ever paycheck from my first job at Old Navy during summer break.
  • Open Minded

    Open Minded
    My grandma wanted me to go to this Robotics Com-Ed event but I expressed to her that Robotic was not in my interest but she had stated that it relates to my interest in Automotive Engineering so I went. I thought it was going to be boring but it wasn't that bad and I received a lot of benefits for participating.
  • Service Learning

    Service Learning
    My first time participating in an fundraiser for my club, Helping Hands. It was a fundraiser for breast cancer awareness were we sold goodie bags and gave half the money to a breast cancer foundation.