Period: to
Jorie Prow
Grade 8 Graduation
I was happy to finally graduate from elementary school. Although I wasn't excited to do the ceremony. It was definitly a different experience. We all showed up at the school, ate "dinner", got our pictures taken and then had the ceremony. -
Met my bestfriend :)
A day I will never forget! Blake and I actually didn't talk for the longest time, both of us being shy and all. The day we did start talking was a great day. We took our horses on a trail ride with another friend of mine at the time, and galloped through fields and got lost a few times! I remember both of us racing and I almost fell off twice! I will never forget that day. I hope that we're friends for a long time :) -
Started Grade 9
This was a stressful day! I only got lost once thankfully, and I did make more friends. -
My nephew was born!!
I couldn't believe this day had finally come! I remeber sitting in the waiting room for a few hours until the nurse came to get me and my brother. I was terrified to hold him! I was so worried I'd drop him or hold him the wrong way. He sure did scream the following nights! -
First lesson with my new coach!
My coach, Lindsay, has to be one of the nicest and smartest people I've ever met. She is so encourging and helpful! I was pretty nervice during my lesson but after 20 minutes I was perfectly fine. -
Got my first Canon camera
I've always loved photography, another thing I've learned from my dad, and when I got my camera on christmas I was estatic! I couldn't believe I finally had my own camera, and I sure did use it all the time! -
Made new friends :P
These two girls, Ally and Emma, are the nicest and funniest people I've ever met! I will always consider them to be my friends, even if one of them moved to Tillsonberg :( -
Made more friends!
Sadly I don't have a picture of the two of them because one is usually behind the camera! Jorii and Skyler are the funniest people ever! And it's pretty cool that I share a name with one of them! The way we started talking was moslty horses, but Sklyer also loves photography too so we always loved talking about that! -
Bought a new horse!
One of my favourite days. My parents and I had been talking about getting a new horse for quite some time, and my coach was planning on me riding plenty of horses. She wanted me to ride ones that were for sale and even ones that weren't so I could find what I really wanted. Of course the first one I rode was Peppy (the one in the picture) and I knew right away she was the one I wanted! There were a few other people also interested in her and I was heartbroken about it, but thankfully we got her! -
Firse show with Peppy!
I was so happy with how we did that day! We got second in two classes and first in one class! I couldn't have asked for a better day with her, I am so excited to show her again this year :) -
First Reining pattern!
Reining is a discipline within western riding. I have always loved reining since I was little, and when my coach asked me to ride one of her reining horses I was estatic!
Peppy was excellent during our pattern, and the judge loved her! Getting 1st was an amazing feeling. -
Started Grade 10
Starting grade 10 wasn't like starting grade 9 that's for sure. I knew where my classes were, I knew most of the people in my classes and it wasn't stressful. -
Celebrated 5 years at my barn!
This isn't actually the picture from our "celebration" it's from the alymer parade! But it has most of the people from my barn in it. I can't believe it's been 5 years already, I have learned so much and made so many friends at this barn. I hope I keep all the friends I made when we move on to new chapters in our lives. -
My Birthday!
Finally I was 15! Like most of my birthdays, I spent the day at the barn, and then went to my grandparents for our "party." I like having just my family together for my birthday. I remember opening my birthday cards and pulling out American money, my family trying to tell me that "the bank ran out of Canadian money." But really it was money to spend in Ohio and the Quarter Horse Congress!! -
All American Quarter Horse Congress
Went to Pickering to see my very first reining show!
ORHA (Ontartio Reining Horse Assoctiation). I had an absaloute blast that weekend. Although I didn't show, I still took Peppy to ride her and get her used to spending a few day away from home again. -
First Working Cow Clinic
This was the coolest experince ever! I learned a lot and it was so much fun!