Jordyn Brown

  • Work Experiences - completed or planned before graduation

    Work Experiences - completed or planned before graduation
    Babysat, Delivered newspapers for 1 year, and I plan to work part time in a year or so.
  • Awards

    I won an award at grade 8 graduation called the "Forest Park Award."
  • Special school experiences

    Special school experiences
    Grade 8 graduation, Semi, Shrek The Musical
  • Volunteer Work Completed

    Volunteer Work Completed
    I have completed all of volunteer hours. have been a Youth group leader for March break, SAA (Food stands, etc) and Public school office work.
  • Job Interview

    Job Interview
    In a year or so apply for a part time job at coles, etc. I plan to apply for another part time job during College/University
  • When will you buy your first car?

    When will you buy your first car?
    I want to be able to buy my first car (Jeep) when I am 17.
  • Certificates earned

    Certificates earned
    Plan to get graduation diploma/certificate for high school and a diploma for University or College.
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    I will graduate in 2019 and i'll be 17 years old.
  • Start of Post Secondary

    Start of Post Secondary
    I want to start post secondary when I am 18 years old at Ryerson University for Social work/Psychology or Carelton University for Psychology.
  • Completion of Post Secondary

    Completion of Post Secondary
    I want to be completed Post Secondary when I am 21 years old.
  • When Will You Move Out Of Your Guardians House?

    When Will You Move Out Of Your Guardians House?
    I will move out from my parents either if I resident somewhere during post secondary whether that be in the college/university or an apartment or house near school. Or I will move out a couple years into post secondary when I have the money from working part time.
  • Rent your own apartment/ Buy a house

    Rent your own apartment/ Buy a house
    I want to buy my own house when I am about 23 years old.
  • Start of career

    Start of career
    I want to have started my career as a youth social worker, Psychologist or Psychotherapist at the age of 22 or 23.
  • Life change - family

    Life change - family
    I want to start a family when I'm 27 or 28 years old.