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Jordan's Timeline

By jokoeni
  • Buy a new truck

    I want to but a dodge or chevy truck. just has to run.
  • Got into a accident in the school parking lot.

    Got into a accident in the school parking lot.
    Just chapman hit me in the school parking lot. noone was hurt. I have about 2 grand worht of damages due to my car.
  • Got into school

    came into schol. and they wanted to give me a tarty and they callled mrs oconr and she said no.
  • Decided to save money for a new car.

    Decided to save money for a new car.
    I will probably need a new car or truck do I decided to save money for one.
  • start saving

    I will start saving wont spend money on little thigs.
  • put money in savings

    put money in savings
    I will put 100 dollars from every pay check into a savinging account
  • Have enough money saved.

    By about 4 months if i stick with my goal I should have a grand saved up and be able to buy a cheep veichel.