
Jordan Ellis's Prenatal Development Timeline

  • Month five

    Month five
    The Baby: A protective coat called vernix caseosa on baby;s skin, the baby is 6 1/2-7 inches long, and weighs 4-5 ounces.
    The mother: enlarged abdomen becomes noticeable, increased size may affect posture, slight fetal movements felt, heartbeat can be heard through a stethoscope.
  • Conception.

    When the guys sperm enters the girls egg after intercourse.
  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    1st trimester.

    Changes in baby: Poppy seeds, size of pinhead.
    Changes in Mother: Missed period.
  • Period of the Zygote.

    Period of the Zygote.
    Lasts from 10-14 days, and it's when the fertilized egg goes into the moms uterus.
  • Month one

    Month one
    The Mother: Missed period.
    The Baby: poppy seeds, size of pinhead.
  • Period of the Embryo.

    Period of the Embryo.
    This lasts two weeks to two months, and is the penitration of the egg by the sperm.
  • Month two

    Month two
    The Baby: veins are visible, 1 inch long.
    The Mother: A tiny bump may form, the umbelical cord is also forming, you get hormones that lead to food swings and cravings for food.
  • Month three

    Month three
    The Mother: breasts have become fuller and firmer, nausea, fatigue, urination, abdomen becomes slightly larger, weight gain 2-4 pounds.
    The Baby: the startle relfex is almost gone, the neck is growing, they can now kick, hand-eye coordination, the baby's eyes can open and shut.
  • Period: to

    2nd trimester

    second semester video hereIn this trimester you will find out if the baby is a boy or a girl, and it may start to begin to move. You might start to hear the heartbeat and the abdomen gets bigger.
  • Period: to

    2nd trimester.

    2nd trimester video here
    The baby's fingers and toes are well-defined, and the nervous system is starting to function, and you can now see if it's a girl or a boy on an ultrasound.
  • Period of the Fetus.

    Period of the Fetus.
    This is the period of time that the fetus grows and develops in the mothers whom.
  • Month four

    Month four
    The Baby: The baby is covered in hair, heartbeat is heard clearly, baby' fist kick, 3 inches, and weighs an ounce.
    The Mother; appetite increases, morning sickness is gone, abdomen continues to grow.
  • Month six

    Month six
    Baby: eyebrows and eyelids are visible, lungs are filled with amniotic fluid, starts breathing motions, the baby can hear the mother talk or sing, 8-10 inches long, 8-12 ounces.
    Mother: fetal movements are sensed as strong kicks, bumps, and thumps, weight gain 10-12 pounds at beginning of month.
  • Period: to

    3rd Trimester.

    Third trimester video hereThe mother's belly is getting bigger and the baby is 6-9 pounds and 19-22 inches long. The baby will also start skills like blinking, dreaming, and regulating it's own body temperature.
  • 1st trimester.

    Changes in baby: poppy seeds, size of pinhead.
    Changes in mother: missed period.
  • Month seven

    Month seven
    Mother: posture is increased by weight size.
    Baby: The baby can hear better, the sight becomes more clear, the ultrasound will show the baby's eyes open and close, the baby can taste the amniotic fluid, the lungs are undeveloped, this month they can survive outside the womb, the lungs are the last to develop, the baby is upside down at this point.
  • Month eight

    Month eight
    Baby: the baby is gaining about anhalf pound a week and fat is piling on, turned head-down, weighs about 2 1/2-3 pounds, 14-16 inches long.
    Mother: discomfort from abdomen gatting bigger, backache, fatigue, leg cramps, shortness of breath, fetal kicks may disturd mothers rest, weight gain 18-20 pounds.
  • Birth Date.

    Birth Date.
    A healthy baby girl named Jordan is born.
  • Month nine

    Month nine
    Baby: 5-6 pounds, 17-18 inches long, it's more crowded, the mother will feel the baby move around less.
    Mother. Lightening felt as the fetus drops down into the pelvis and decreases pressure on mothers organs, false labor pains may be experienced, weight gain of 25-35 pounds is typical, discomfort may continue, the baby is born soon.