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  • Britian end it mandate over Palestinian

    Britian end it mandate over Palestinian
    Britain ends its mandate over Jordan, granting full independence to it.
  • Dead Sea Scrolls discovered

    Dead Sea Scrolls discovered
    The Dead Sea Scrolls are ancient Jewish and Hebrew religious scripts first found in 1947 in a cave named Qumran.
  • Arab-Israeli War

    Arab-Israeli War
    The reason causing this war is when five Arab nations invaded the territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel right after the day the war begin.
  • Jordanian annexation of the West Bank

    Jordanian annexation of the West Bank
    Jordan formally annexed the West Bank on 24 April 1950, giving all residents automatic Jordanian citizenship. Apparently, this action angered some other nearby countries.
  • Riad as-Solh assassination

    Riad as-Solh assassination
    Riad as-Solh, former Lebanese prime minister, was assassinated in Amman by a member of the Syrian Nationalist Party.
  • King Abdullah's death

    King Abdullah's death
    King Abdullah was assassinated in Jerusalem while attending Friday prayers. When Jordan annexes the West Bank, which angered Arab countries including Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, all defended the Palestinian state. This also connects with why the king is assassinated, the person who assassinated the king was a nationalist Palestinian. His son Talal proclaimed king.
  • Talal Abdicates

    Talal Abdicates
    Talal was forced to abdicate due to suffering from illness. He spent the rest of his life at the sanatorium in Istanbul. His oldest son Hussein became the next king
  • King Husseign fired the British from the Jordanian army

    King Husseign fired the British from the Jordanian army
    King Hussein fired the British personnel in the Jordanian army, an act of Arabization to make sure the complete sovereignty of Jordan.
  • Jordan & Saudi Arabia Agreement

    Jordan and Saudi Arabia concluded an agreement with the purpose is to determine boundary. Allowing Jordan to expand its port facilities at Aqaba.
  • Six-day war

    Six-day war
    The Six-day war known as the Third Arab-Israeli War was an armed conflict fought from 5 to 10 June 1967 between Israel and Arab states mostly Jordan, Syria, and Egypt.