JonathanG personal Timeline

  • Born

    On this day I was born into this beuatiful world. On this day I was intoduced to my loving father and caring mother. since this day i had learned alot from this worl and found out what was good and what was bad.
  • First time walking

    First time walking
    This day I took my first step and my father was proud and my dad was also laughing cause when I took my first step I was hanging on to my dog and that helped me walk.
  • First birthday

    First birthday
    This day was important to my parents cause its the first birthday that i had and this is always important mostly because it celebrates how much love my parents have for me and that means alot.
  • Little brother's Birth

    Little brother's Birth
    On this day my little brother Kristopher was born into this world. I dont really remember this day but ever sins i could remember he was a pain in my booty. He still is a pain in my but, but I still put up with him because i live with him and he is family.
  • First day of school

    First day of school
    On this day i started mt first day of school. The school i went to was called Star Lite Cove Elementry. In this school I had so much fun in after school activitys such aas arts and crafts and field ttrips and so many other things.
  • worked with my father

    worked with my father
    on this day I had worked with my father doin hurricane clean up at a condo at which he worked at. On this day I learned what to do on a hurricane clean up area and what not to do, I also learned how to do maintenance
  • Grandmother past away

    Grandmother past away
    On this day a tragedy had happened and I was not happy with it at all. I did evevery thing with my grandmother when I came to visit her. I always loved her and always will. I love you Grandma. :'(
  • Disney world

    Disney world
    On this day my father went to chicago to bury my grandmother while my mother and my borther and i went to disny world to have fun and boy did we. my brother and I only went on the go carts cause we both wanted to see who won and I only won once. Boy is he good!
  • baby sister was born

    baby sister was born
    on this day my baby sister was born. My sisters name is Sarena. On this day I was so happy to finally have a sister and have some one to actually hold without them being to big.
  • Moved to chicago

    Moved to chicago
    On thisn day we all moved to Chicago,ILLINOIS and it was a fun but long journey up here.this day we did so much to get used to all the new things we will be doing up here like the weather and every thing else that we would need to.
  • First winter

    First winter
    On this day I saw my first snowy winter with my brothers and my father. This day was colder than I expected it to be but I still had alot of fun on this day while throwing snowballs at my older brother but little did I know he had 15 wating for me.
  • first hunt

    first hunt
    This day my father and I went on our first hunting trip. Although we didnt kill anything we still had fun together and a good experince.
  • 1st Bow

    1st Bow
    This day I got my first bow and man do I love it. The maker of the bow is called "Bear Archery" and the crater of Bear archery is Fred Bear.
  • Graduation of elementry school

    Graduation of elementry school
    On this day I graduated school from a school called William P. Gray elementry school. When I graduated I was sad but happy because some of the kids that I talked to were going to different schools than me but I was happy because now I am moving up in life and I know that I am closer to where I want to be.
  • 1st day of high school

    1st day of high school
    On this day I started my first day of high school at the home of the "TAFT EAGLES". On the first day of school I alrady made friends and am still making friends.