John Wilkes Booth

  • Booth gets helpers

    Late 1864 and into 1865, Booth got conspirators loyal to him, that would follow his plan and his words.
  • Booth's first plan to kill the President

    Booth planned on ambushing Lincoln's carriage on his way home but got his information wrong and Lincoln never showed up. Therefore, his first plan to kill Lincoln was a fail.
  • Lincoln's speech

    Lincoln made a speech talking about the upcoming change in the South such as giving black people the right to vote. This made many people, including John Wilkes Booth, very mad.
  • John began his plan at his National Hotel

    Booth walked to Ford's theater to find a letter explaining that the president and his wife would be at the performance that night.
  • John gathered his materials to perform the assassination

    To prepare, he brought a pistol, knife, money, whistle, photographs, pencil, date book, keys, etc.
  • President Abraham Lincoln got shot

    Booth entered the President box in Ford's theater and shot the President.
  • The start of John Wilkes Booth's plan

    John Booth started to become depressed after Lincoln's speech. He did not want others to be able to vote, and also was not happy after hearing that the war was over. He could not stand another day of Union Victory celebrations so he gathered men to help assassinate all the people that he wanted to.
  • Abraham Lincoln died after being shot

    22 minutes after 7 o'clock, Lincoln died the morning after the bullet to the head, after being taken into the Peterson house.