The Life of Eric Steven Raymond

  • The Birth of Eric Steven Raymond

    The Birth of Eric Steven Raymond
    On December 4th, 1957, Eric Steven Raymond was born in Boston Massachusetts.
  • The Raymond Family Moves to Pennsylvania

    The Raymond Family Moves to Pennsylvania
    Eric and his family move to Pennsylvania and start there in the North East.
  • Holds Job at Wharton School Computer Center

    Holds Job at Wharton School Computer Center
    Raymond began work in the realms of APL, Pascal and LISP as a consultant, and program developer.
  • Burroughs Federal & Special Systems Group

    Burroughs Federal & Special Systems Group
    Raymond held employment as a software engineer for roughly 12 months at this time. In this job, he worked on research for advanced programming and artificial intelligence.
  • MicroCorp - A Telecom Convergence Company

    MicroCorp - A Telecom Convergence Company
    During this time in his life, Eric held the job as a lead programmer for MicroCorp. This job entailed him designing products for various types of micros.
  • Rabbit Software

    Rabbit Software
    Eric worked to help a seven-man team code more than 3,270 emulation projects. At this time, he had developed many things - one of which being multiple-task windowing packages.
  • Jargon File

    Jargon File
    In January of 1990, Eric became the maintainer of the "Jargon File," which was a file that covered the jargon within hacking culture. Jargon is a generic term that describes words or expressions used by a particular profession that are difficult for others to understand - in this case, computer hacking and technological development.
  • Presents Thesis at Linux Kongress

    Presents Thesis at Linux Kongress
    He presented his thesis at the annual Linux Kongress on this day.
  • The Cathedral and the Bazaar Essay

    The Cathedral and the Bazaar Essay
    Eric wrote an essay based in part on his experience in developing Fetchmail. This was the thesis that later turned into a book by Raymond.
  • Open Source Initiative

    Open Source Initiative
    Raymond co-founded and served as president of the Open Source Initiative until 2005. This was an initiative that promoted the open-source development of software as a method for businesses to grow and expand.
  • VA Linux Systems

    VA Linux Systems
    Raymond became a board member of directed of VA Linux Systems.
  • The Cathedral and The Bazaar is Published!

    The Cathedral and The Bazaar is Published!
    A few years prior, Raymond had written an essay that explored his many observations while managing an open source project. This essay - or thesis - was later turned into a book, and this was the date of its official publishing.
  • Contribution to Linux Documentation Project

    Contribution to Linux Documentation Project
    In the Linux documentation, there are "how-to's" that guide the reader through steps to using the operating system. Eric helped write this section, which is still included in the Linux Documentation Project.
  • The Art of Unix Programming

    The Art of Unix Programming
    The writing of 'The Art of Unix Programming' which discusses user tools for programming and program developers.
  • Becomes Administrator of Project for GPS Data Tool

    Becomes Administrator of Project for GPS Data Tool
    In Present day, Eric works as an administrator at the GPSD. This is a service that handles GPS and other navigation-related sensors that are used by people every day.