Tyndall, John. Heat Considered as a Mode of Motion: Being a Course of Twelve Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in ... 1862. London, 1865. -
Sound Phenomena
Authored "On Sound" (1867), written "to render the science of acoustics interesting to all intelligent persons including those who do not possess any special scientific culture." -
Vowel Sound Waves
Tyndall uses flames to measure pitch and tone quality. He would read aloud and watch how the flame dances to the different vowel sounds. Tyndall, J., Sound: A Course of Lectures Delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1867. -
Tyndall, John, and Edward Livingston Youmans. Modern Culture: Its True Aims and Requirements ; a Series of Addresses and Arguments on the Claims of Scientific Education. Macmillan, 1867. -
Blue Skies
Tyndall's noted for his study of the scattering of light by atmospheric particles, a phenomenon sometimes called the Tyndall effect. He provided explanations for the color of the sun at the horizon and of clear skies. This is his most commonly known scientific work. -
Awarded Rumford Medal
Tyndall's studies of the transmission of infrared radiation through gases and vapors clarified the nature of the absorption process. He was awarded the Rumford Medal. -
(Video link) "Evidence That Carbon Dioxide Traps Heat | Decoding the Weather Machine"
Tyndall, John. Fragments of Science for Unscientific People: a Series of Detached Essays, Lectures, and Reviews. Longmans, Green, 1871. -
Tyndall, John. Fragments of Science for Unscientific People; a Series of Detached Essays, Addresses, and Reviews. D. Appleton, 1874. -
Belfast Address
Tyndall, being a scientific naturalist, was aiming to reform scientific theories and institutions and to transform British culture. They put forth new interpretations of humanity, nature, and society derived from the theories, methods and categories of empirical science, especially evolutionary theory, the atomic theory of matter, and theories in physics dealing with the conservation of energy. -
Behind the Belfast Address
There were three strategies scientific naturalists used towards transforming British science and culture. First, they argued the Church, nor the Bible, had the answers. They stated that science was the only genuine path of knowledge of nature. They aimed to allow scientists to pursue their investigations of nature guided by their own independent principles and not of religious authorities. -
Behind the Belfast Address (cont.)
Secondly, Tyndall expanded on the belief that scientific naturalists claimed they had the only expertise to speak of scientific knowledge and conclusions. This expertise was gained by surrendering oneself to nature and training through specific sites and laboratories. -
Behind the Belfast Address (cont.)
The third strategy stated that scientific knowledge gained great insight of the human condition, rather than the state of nature alone. During this address, Tyndall passionately advocated the right of science to follow its course without the restrictions put in place by theology. In saying this, he also denied that there was any basic conflict between science and religion. However, the followers of the Church, a great amount of the population, would soon turn their backs on Tyndall. -
Educational video of Tyndall's work
Tyndall, John. Fragments of Science: a Series of Detached Essays, Addresses, and Reviews. Longmans, Green and Co, 1892. -
Works Cited
"John Tyndall ." Encyclopedia of World Biography. . Encyclopedia.com. (August 11, 2020). https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/john-tyndall Lightman, Bernard. “On Tyndall’s Belfast Address, 1874.” BRANCH: Britain, Representation and Nineteenth-Century History. Ed. Dino Franco Felluga. Extension of Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net. Web.