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Life and Works of John Stuart Mill
Born in May of 1806, John Stuart Mill is regarded as one of, if not the most influential philosopher of the 19th century. John Stuart Mill contributed to the fields of philosophy, science, economics, and politics through various written works that are still deferred to today for their wisdom and erudition. -
System of Logic
John Stuart Mills most exstensive and comprehensive philosophical work outlining his inductive method of empiricism. With this work, Mill establishes a scientific methodology for reasoning and performing philosophy that would see incredible popularity. Fundamentally, Mill establishes the bridge betwen the rationalist school and the empiricist school of thought (Mill). -
Principles of Political Economy
In Principles of Poltical Economy, Mill assesses the nature of production, consumption, labor, trade, distribution, and social institutions that produce economic phenomena. Fundamnetally, Mill uses this work to open the lens of philosophy to international economies, or political economies. This work also attempts to apply the scientific method to analyze politics and economy in a manner congruent with his theory of induction established in A System of Logic (Mill). -
On Liberty
On Liberty is John Stuart Mills application of his Utilitarian philosophy to the concept of human liberty. The book establishes a proof of the ethical status of liberty from the perspective of expanded human flourishing through education and epxpanding options. He advocates for the freedom from any form of coercion and extolls the virtue of individuality in opposition to societal pressures to formulate one's opinion (Mill). -
Utilitarianism is John Stuart Mill's definitive guide to his philosophy. In it, Mill provides supprt for the philosophy, as well as dispells commonplace misconceptions of the time. He argues that Utilitarianism is commensurate with the nature of human psychology and that the application of individual reason will invariably lead one to accept Utilitarianism's principles as innate and binding (Mill). -
Utilitarianism - John Stuart Mill
A short video discussing the Utilitarianism of John Stuart Mill.