John stuart mill 1907 digital

John Stuart Mill: 20 May 1806 - 07 May 1873

  • "A System of Logic"

    "A System of Logic"
    In his book "A System of Logic", Mill developed a set of 5 principles known as "Mill Methods". ~Mill, John S. A System of Logic Ratiocinative and Inductive: Being a Connected View of the Principles of Evidence and the Methods of Scientific Investigation. London: Longmans, Green, 1886. Print.~
  • "The Negro Question"

    "The Negro Question"
    J.S. Mill opposed slavery and supported abolition back in the 1800s.~ Carlyle, Thomas, Eugene R. August, and John S. Mill. The Nigger Question: The Negro Question. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971. Print.
  • "On Liberty"

    "On Liberty"
    J. S. Mill wrote his book "On Liberty" to support his views on utilitarianism, advocate for human rights, and freedom of speech. Overall, he supported human rights so long as it did not, as result, bring harm to others. It is then that the government should intervene. He argued that the freedom of speech brought progression for an individual.~ Mill, John S. On Liberty. London: John W. Parker and Son, West Strand, 1859.~
  • "The Subjection Women"

    "The Subjection Women"
    One of the earliest supporter for gender equality, J. S. Mill regularly spoke on the matter so that others saw the oppression women dealt with at the time. He saw that women had the same potential as men if given the same opportunities for education.~ Mill, John S. The Subjection of Women. London: Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer, 1869. Print.~
  • "Utilitarianism"

    J. S. Mill thought that all human actions are for the purpose of achieving happiness or pleasure. However, he states that this was not from individual point of view, but should be for the "greatest good for the greatest number".~ Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism. London, Parker, son, and Bourn, 1863. Web.. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>. ~