John Stuart Mill was born on this day. -
System of Logic
John Mill details out five principles of discovering causes known as Mill’s Methods. They’re the method of agreement, method of difference, joint method of agreement and difference, method of residues, and method of concomitant variation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vOlnRzFxCM Mill, John Stuart. A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive. Project Gutenberg. -
On Liberty
John Mill addresses the question of the limits of authority that society and state can exercise on an individual. Mill details that a government can threaten an individual’s freedom by force while a society puts pressure on the individual to conform with criticism. Mill explained that society should have any input on an individual’s actions that only directly themselves and nobody else. Mill noted that if an individual’s actions did affect others than society would have a right to intervene. -
In this book, John Mill explains what utilitarianism is and addresses several criticisms against utilitarianism. Mill maintained that utilitarianism is a theory about what is of ultimate value in life and provides a criteria of what makes an action morally right or morally wrong. Mill believed that happiness or pleasure is the highest value in life and the reason for any action is because it provides pleasure at or it will lead to pleasure in the future. -
John Stuart Mill died on this day. -
Three Essays on Religion
This was a work published posthumously by John Mill’s stepdaughter Helen Taylor. In this book Mill explores arguments for the existence of God using a process of methodology based on evidence. Mill argues that religion should be tested in the same way that other questions in science are examined. Mill, John Stuart. Nature, the Utility of Religion, and Theism. 3rd ed., Longmans, Green, 1885.