John Good

  • Came to the U.S.A. to go in to the civil war

    Came to the U.S.A. to go in to the civil war
    When I arrived to america I was drafted to the civil war in 1861 i was only 18 years old. in the civil war i was shot in the gut and was able to recover from the shot.
  • true love

    in the 1863 i found my true love and we had 4 kids and we live on a nice little farm and i sell crops that i grow. but sadly we hot a hot and dry seson and we had to sell the farm and get a new job.
  • first job in the steel mill

    first job in  the steel mill
    in 1870 i got a intervew for a job in a steel mill and i got the job of poringthe melted steel to be made in to steel beams. my work space was hot and smelled rilly bad from all the stuff that felll in to the steel.
  • raise and moving

    raise and moving
    after working in the steel mill for 20 years I was the longest person to work in the mill and got a raise and got to move to a nice and big apartment in philadelphia
  • R.I.P.

    sadly after working for 30 years in the mill something vary horrible happens and I fallen to a Pot of steel and no one knows that John fell in and to this day he is in one towering sky scrapers in Philadelphia. The end