Period: to
john dickinson
He was born in Tabolt County, Maryland -
career starter
Became a member of the delaware assembly. (exact date unknown) -
Penssylvania election
He won the Pennsylvania election, where his views clashed with the beliefes of Benjamin Franklin (exact date unknown) -
Declaration of Rights and Grivances
Was given the task to write the Declaration of Rights and Grievances. Also he served as a large player in the American Revolution by encouraging citizens of America to disregard certain laws, like the Stamp Act.
( exact date unknown) -
Married the Beautiful Marry Norris. Daughter of the rich Isaac Norris. -
Helped draft the A.O.C. and sign them. (date unknown) -
John was the chosen Governor/ President of Delaware.
(date unknown) -
Annopolis convention
Elected president for it. (date unknown) -
Helped draft the U.S. Constitution and signed it for Delaware (ate unknown) -
State Senate
Elected to the Delaware State Senate. during this time he furtherd the cause of abbolition of slavery. also helped pay for neighbors children aducation, prison reliefe and other charities. while most of his wealth was being donated to the "relief of the unhappy" (date unknown) -
Published to volumes of his written work on politics. (date unknown) -
His wife Marry died. :? poor thing. -
old poor guy dies, and gets burried