John dewey

John Dewey (Oct. 20, 1859 - Jun. 1, 1952)

By CelinaM
  • John Dewey (Oct. 20, 1859 - Jun. 1, 1952)

    John Dewey was a philosopher who constructed the movement of pragmatism. Pragmatism is the procedure to find the truth behind theories and how they became successful. He also came up with the study of metaphysics. Metaphysics is the study of one’s belief to which they have, the creation of the world, time, space, etc. In 1919, John Dewey and his other colleagues created an experimental school where students could have talks about their ideas on sciences and arts.
  • John Dewey (Oct. 20, 1859 - Jun. 1, 1952)

    One out of the three characteristics of John Dewey’s metaphysics is the characteristic of Precarious. Precarious is the midst if something were to happen. It is “any obstacle, disruption, danger, or surprise of any kind.” John Dewey also believed that the encounters and interactions of human beings was a natural event. Knowledge, ideas, and morals are all precarious due to them continually changing in nature.
  • John Dewey (Oct. 20, 1859 - Jun. 1, 1952)

    The next characteristic is Histories. The Histories characteristic can be known as experience. Without experience, we would be having the same outcome without any change to it, constantly repeating the same mistakes. Experience helps us grow as human beings. John Dewey believed that no matter of the person’s “human nature, temperament, character, talent, or social role” they will always need experience.
  • John Dewey (Oct. 20, 1859 - Jun. 1, 1952)

    The last characteristic is Ends which can also be known as Ends and Goods. Ends is the ending of life with good morals. John Dewey supposed that the Ends cannot be without Histories, they are intertwined with each other. Having precarious, histories, and ends are the characteristics John Dewey believed human beings should have in order to grow and thrive through their life and end with an outcome they would be proud of. Video: