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John Dewey's interest in philosophy and Science
Throughout his career, Dewey's interest in logical thinking connected to philosophy of science. The interest "science in practice" and the concept of inquiry was expected to expand knowledge and to build theories in education. His teaching used naturalistic approach of learning to fit the environment the person was living. Brown, M. J. “John Dewey’s Logic of Science.” HOPOS: The Journal of the Inter. Society..., vol. 2, no. 2, 2012, pp. 258–306 [www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/666843] -
Focusing on education advancement
Practical education for everyday life was a subject that John Dewey focused on. Important education of daily needs that should be taught in schools, also practical knowledge. I have linked a video giving example of the many things touched in school from the younger students to teenagers. The concern and subject of what the new way of learning is some children would learn useless things in school that wouldn't help them in daily life and to function as a citizen. [https://youtu.be/nHJFcjwjG_0] -
University of Elementary School created
John Dewey and his wife created an experimental school at The University of Chicago for elementary students. He focused on using radical new teaching styles that wouldn't just be used in higher learning, but also with childhood learning as well. Using practical education starting young was a way to advance the learning style early, this would advance the students into such learning and functionality as they aged. He left this school after some disagreements with the administrative views. -
Dewey was one of the people who adapted pragmatism, but with the thinking that "static data" was just a form of "buzzing" data. His way of viewing pragmatism was known as instrumentalism, because he believed in active participation in data. By a person planning and actively seeking their theory, the outcome is more feasible. The idea of seeking a specific outcome will most likely produce the practical physical outcome that might be expected. [https://www.britannica.com/biography/John-Dewey] -
Cofounded The New School for Social Research
The New School, located in Manhattan was founded by a small group of intellectuals looking to make a more relevant education model. Where higher learning for adults were accessible and students, scholars and faculty would address problems freely with society. This way they could learn and exchange information with each other.The Founders along with John Dewey were, James Harvey Robinson, Thorstein Veblen and Charles Beard. This was one of the many accomplishments including education. -
Experience and Nature
John Dewey Wrote a most know piece of work called "Experience and Nature". Throughout his career he spent time writing philosophical work, which in turn became the most famous piece he wrote, even tho he wrote hundreds to a thousand worth of papers and articles on his findings and research.
Godfrey-Smith, P. Topoi (2014) 33: 285. [https://doi.org/10.1007/s11245-013-9214-7]