3200 BCE
Invention of Writing
Writing came about as a way to mark food supplies. -
Period: 3200 BCE to
Johannes Gutenberg
This will recollect the printing press and what occurred for this to happen. -
Invention of Paper
Paper was put into production by a government official in China, creating the first papermaking industry. -
Block Printing
Block printing on wood, which started in China, travelled to Spain and spread to Europe. -
Johannes Gutenberg Born
Although the exact year of birth isn't know, Gutenberg was born in the 15th century in Mainz, Germany. -
Oil based Paints Popular in Europe
When oil based paints traveled to Europe, Jan van Eyck re-invented them for the country. -
Gutenberg Moves
Gutenberg moves to Strasbourg to work on inventing. -
Printing Press Invented
Gutenberg starts using the printing press to produce Bibles. -
Gutenberg Sued
Gutenberg is sued for money that was lent to him and loses most money he made from the printing press. -
Back to Mainz
After getting permission, Gutenberg travels back to Mainz where he lives poor until he dies. -
End of Church Supremacy
Martin Luther created pamphlets protesting the reign and abuse of the clergy. The printing press allowed these to circulate Europe and led to an end of the church's supremacy. -
Newspapers Invented
Because of widely available paper and ways to print on paper, newspapers were made distinguished because they were printed on a regular basis. -
Scandals Published
Publick Occurrences based in Boston started spewing gossip. Wasn't the first, but was a remarkable stepping stone of the government fighting things published in papers. -
Government Desperate for Money
The Monarchy made the Stamp Act of 1765 because it was desperate for cash and this was a quick fix. -
First Libarary Made
The first free library dedicated to informing the public was made in 1833 in Peterborough, New Hampshire. -
Significant Amount of Newspapers
The US had more than 800 daily newspaper and New York had more than 2 dozen.