joel's 1812 time line

  • madison takes office

    madison takes office
    james madison was mad at the british for giveing guns to the native americans,and because they continued to impress american saliors.
    he was a quiet and scholary man,he helped write the constitution and pass the bill of rights.
  • war hawks take power

    war hawks take power
    while james madison did not want war many americans did, they were called war hawks.
    warhawks had a strong pride in nationalism
    henery clay&john c. calhoun were the most famous.
  • relations with britian worsens

    relations with britian worsens
    the fighting with native americans and united states worsens there relation ship
    america said if you dont stop robing our ships then we wont trade with you
    france stoped but britian kept robing
  • invasion on canada

    invasion on canada
    general william hull moved american troops to canada from detroit.
    the canadians only had a few untrained troops
    canadians won,americans were captured
  • congress declares war on britian

    congress declares war on britian
    britian continues to impress american sailors
    in new york harbor an american friget destroys a british war ship killing or wounding 32
    congress declares war on britian
  • America is not ready for war

    America is not ready for war
    Did not have enough money for a war (low defense budget).
    There navy only had 16 ships.
    The army was small and ill equiped.
  • british blocade american ports

    british blocade american ports
    the british blocade american ports to stop them from tradeing
    the us navy was very small (16 ships)
    won only a couple of battles if they were lucky
  • uss constitution scores a victory

    uss constitution scores a victory
    at the begining of the war the uss constiution destroyed the british guerrie`re.
    first american victory of 1812
    nicknamed old iron sides beacuse cannon balls bounced of it's sides as if it were iorn
  • battle of lake erie

    battle of lake erie
    captain oliver hazard perry had no fleet so he made his own.
    he battled the british for control over lake erie
    won the battle and made the british leave.
  • battle of thames

    battle of thames
    comander hull invades canada but has only a little troops
    quickly retreats
    general issac brock sorrounds US troops and forces them to surrender
  • horse shoe bend

    horse shoe bend
    native americans in the south attacked andrew jackson at horse soe bend
    the charokees helped the usa win at the battle of horse shoe bend
    creek leaders walked into there camp alone to surrender
  • washington D.C attacked and burned

    washington D.C attacked and burned
    british war ships land in chesapeak bay (30 miles from washington D.C.)
    dolly madison packs everything they need ,important papers,a picture of george washington,etc.
    british mach to capital and they burn it.
  • attack on baltimore

    attack on baltimore
    btitish moved to fort mchenery to destroy fort mchenery
    on september 13 1814 british bombarded the fort
    americans didnt give up and the americans won the battle
  • Wrighting of the star spangled banner

    Wrighting of the star spangled banner
    the stra spangled bannerstarted out as a poem.
    francis scott key was an american P.O.W
    was held on a british ship at the battle of baltimore.
  • treaty of ghent

    treaty of ghent
    the treaty of ghent was signed in ghent belgium
    the treaty made john quincy adams feel that nothing was adjusted
    looking back americans thought that it gave them pride in there country
  • hartford convention

    hartford convention
    from the start of the war there were protesters
    they dislicked the war because it damaged there trade and it looked like madison did it for himself
    they planned to seced but they never did.
  • battle of new orleans

    battle of new orleans
    general andrew jackson was expecting the british at new orleans.
    he had thousands of expert sharp shooteres and some of the civilians joined in the fight.
    more than 2,000 british troops died and only 7 americans died.