Astronaut spaceman do spacewalk

jo space race timeline

  • First man in space by USSR

    First man in space by USSR
    Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin was the frst ussr man on the moon
  • First satellite in space by USSR

    First satellite in space by USSR
    the Soviet Union launched the earth's first artificial satellite, Sputnik I he successful launch came as a shock to experts and citizens in the United Statet
  • First animal in space by USSR

    First animal in space by USSR
    it was the us ussr trying ti see if they can put and animal on the moon to see if they severvilb
  • First satellite in space by USA

    First satellite in space by USA
    Explorer 1 became the first successfully launched satellite by the United States
  • First satellite in space by USA

    First satellite in space by USA
    Explorer 1 became the first successfully launched satellite by the United States when it was sent to space
  • Creation of NASA

    Creation of NASA
    President Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 establishing the National Aeronautics and Space
  • Creation of NASA

    Creation of NASA
    President Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 establishing the National Aeronautics and Space
  • First animal in space by USA (Ham the chimp)

    First animal in space by USA (Ham the chimp)
    Ham, his compatriot from the U.S. Air Force's chimp training facility in New Mexico, overshadows him.
  • First man in space by USA

    First man in space by USA
    U.S. Navy test pilot Alan Shepard joined the astronaut program in 1959. He became the first American and the second man in space
  • First man to orbit Earth by USA

    First man to orbit Earth by USA
    astronaut John H. Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth during the three-orbit Mercury-Atlas 6 mission
  • JFK's speech and commitment to getting to the moon

    JFK's speech and commitment to getting to the moon
    We choose to go to the Moon", officially titled the Address at Rice University on the Nation's Space Effort speech by United States President John F. Kennedy
  • First man to do an EVA by USSR

    First man to do an EVA by USSR
    the first meva an to do the EVA is Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov, who spent 12 minutes and 9 seconds outside the Voskhod 2 spacecraft.
  • gemini event 1

    gemini event 1
    despite a few thruster issues and the sudden appearance of a contraband corned beef sandwich
  • First man to do an EVA by USA

    First man to do an EVA by USA
    US astronaut Edward White (1930–67) was the first American to perform an “extra-vehicular activity” (EVA), or spacewalk. On June 3, 1965
  • gemini mission 2 (6)

    gemini mission 2 (6)
    Gemini 6 was to have been the first flight involving docking with an Agena target/propulsion stage. However the Agena blew up on the way to orbit, and the spacecraft was replaced by Gemini 7 in the launch order.
  • Any tragedies that led up to getting to the moon gimini 9

    Any tragedies that led up to getting to the moon gimini 9
    . The Atlas malfunctioned in flight and the ATV failed to reach orbit. This forced the cancellation of the Gemini 9 launch scheduled for later that morning.
  • gemini mission 3 (12)

    gemini mission 3 (12)
    Gemini 12 marked a successful conclusion of the Gemini program, achieving the last of its goals by successfully demonstrating that astronauts can effectively work outside of spacecraft.
  • The launch of Apollo 7-11 and what they were known for as their "firsts

    The launch of Apollo 7-11 and what they were known for as their "firsts
    they where all kown for find or knowing new thing about the moon and most of figths in the nasa apollo program
  • what where apollo 11 known for as their "firsts

    what where apollo 11  known for as their "firsts
    The nation and the world are celebrating the 50th anniversary of man's first steps on the moon. Military ties abound in the effort that led to Apollo 11's successful mission and for the astronauts who made it happen.