Louis XVI calles the estates-general
France was starting to become bankruptcy. Riots were spreading and nobles fearful of taxes were denouncing abuse of athority.Louis called the estates genral to make a meeting for the following year. -
deficit spending by the goverment and economic reform
costs have generally had risen in the 1700s. To bridge the gap between income and exoenses the goverment had borrowed more and more money. By 1789 half the goverments income from taxes went to paying off intrest on the dept. -
parisians storm the bastille
the national assembly were having a meeting in a prison. parisians mob invaded the prison looking for guns and gun powder. They killed the commander and 5 gardes and took a handfull of prisoners. -
Third stage of the revoulution
It set up a five man directory and a two-house legislative. Wich were elected by only male citizens. peace was made with Prussia and Spain. But war with Austria and Great Britain continued. -
National assembly acts
The declaration of independence of the rights of man was modeled in part of the american declaration of independence written 13 years earlier.Said all men had the same and equel rights,
Womens march on versailles was when a group of women marched 13 miles in demand to see the king. They went from Paris to versailes.Much of the croweds anger was toward the queen because she lived a life of pleasure and extravagnce. -
Threats from abroud
The king of prussia and the emperor of austria issued the declouration of pilnitz. In this document the two monarchs threateneed to intervene to protect the french monarchy. It was a bluff but the Frace took them seriously and prepared for war. -
civil war
what started the problom was high food prices. To solve the high food probolems people started hording wich made to even higher prices. Then the people started geting mad at the people who were getting rich off of the high prices. wich led into the war between them. -
monarchy is obolished
The people were getting angery at the war. They just wanted it to be over.They thought the king was helping the enemies. so they stormed his palace and killed the kings gaurds.But the royal family got away before the mob got thair. -
spread of nationalism
nationalism spread because people started to become more pround in thair country. It spreaded vary fast through France.The french people went to french fectivals that celerabrated the revoulution and the nation. -
Robespierre and the reign of terror
They started to do speedy trials. Wich resulted in offten the wrong person being punished. when the person would be punished the would offten be given the death sentence. They would use a machine called the guillotine. wich cut off your head.