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Matthew Chang's Timeline

  • Birth of Date

    May 6, 1967 was the day I was born into a family of loving parents and 3 older brothers, two of whom were twins.
  • Period: to

    JLC Timespan

  • First Enrollment in a Korean School

  • News of immigrating to America

    News of immigrating to America
    My dad announced the news that we will be immigrating to America soon. At the time, we did not expect such news and it came rather of a shock than a surprise. Our reactions were similar to our initial feelings for we were worried to go into a whole new culture and were distressed further about leaving our friends.
  • Immigrating to America

    Immigrating to America
    This was one of the greatest turning points of my life. By immigrating to America, it not only changed the rest of my life, but it also affected me personally in who I was. Starting off with just a Korean identity, now I carry two different cultures in my life, which have helped me overcome different challenges in my life.
  • Enrolling for the first time in an American school

    Enrolling for the first time in an American school
    I enrolled in my first American school in Tarzana called Emelita Elementary School as a 4th grader. The majority of the school's students were Jewish with no other Asians except for my family, and I could not speak English well. However by being amongst a community of English speaking people within an overall nice atmosphere of the school, I believe I adapted fairly quickly to the American culture.
  • Graduation

  • Olympics in South Korea

    Olympics in South Korea
    Seoul, South Korea was granted an honor in 1988 by becoming the host of the Summer Olympics. Named Games of the XXIV Olympiad, this year was very memorable for Koreans because it was their very first time to host such a huge worldwide event as the Olympics. Due to this, Korea was soon known prominently throughout the world and its economy rose significantly.
  • Berlin Wall fell in Germany

    Berlin Wall fell in Germany
    Nov. 9, 1989 the wall that has stood for many years in Germany collapsed. The Berlin Wall was a huge wall that divided Germany in half into West Germany and East Germany. However, through the fall of this division wall it allowed Germany to merge and become one country. Moreover, the Berlin wall also signified the tension that has been going on between America and Russia. Thus, the destruction of it shows the world that the once taut tension between such powerful countries is gone.
  • Married

  • Moved back to Korea

    As I graduated university and started a job as a businessman I made the decision to move back to Seoul, Korea to work after I got married. Immigrating to America was a great turning point in life but moving back to Korea was also a significant milestone. It not only affected my career life and identity as a Korean, but it also affected my daugthers' life through gaining a Korean culture much like myself when I was young.
  • CEO of Peppers Bank

    CEO of Peppers Bank
    I have worked in the field of banking for many years. However, my placement in the business changed from a normal businessman in Standard Charter to the CEO of Peppers Bank. This was a great success in my life and I believe the education I got in America and the decision to move back to Korea made this possible to happen.