Jim Crow

  • The Term "Jim Crow"is First Coined

  • Civil War Ends

  • Black Codes are Passed - Make Black People Work For Low Wages, Restricts lfe

  • 13th Amendment - Slavery is Abolished

  • 14th Amendment - Born in the US = Citizen

  • Period: to

    Jim Crow In Place

  • 15th Amendment - Race is not an Issue in Voting

  • Civil Rights Act of 1875 - Equal rights regardless of race

  • Civil Rights Act of 1875 is considered Unconstitutional

  • Period: to

    Widespread Segregation in Schools

  • Plessey vs Ferguson - A Supreme Court Decision Holding up State Rights to Allow Segregation in Public or Private Organizations

  • NAACP is Formed - An Organization to Protect Black Rights

  • Brown vs Board of Education - School Segregation is Ruled Unconstitutional

  • Montgomery Bus Boycotts - A Year Long Event Protesting Bus Segregation

  • Period: to

    Freedom Rides Take Place - Protestors Riding Buses into Segregated States

  • Civil Rights Act - Segregation and Voting Limitations are Officially Illegal