March 28 1809 the Bowie clan moved to the Atakapa country in southeastern Louisiana
On March 28 the Bowie family moved to Louisianan this started everything that Jim Bowie will ever do.When Jim Bowie stepped in Lousiana he started a life of crime. What Jim Bowie was start the slave trade in Lousiana with Laffeite a Pirate.Also the foraging in land documents which because of it got his name known. -
Period: to
Jim Bowie
The Sandbar Duel.
Jim Bowie was at a duel between Samuel Levi Wells III and Dr. Thomas Maddox. After the principals had exchanged shots without effect, two observers continued the affair.And then the conflict escalate Bowie was shot by Noris Wright it misfired and Bowie whiped out his "Butchers knife" or now known as the bowies knife killing Wright then two of Writes compainons shot him and slashed him swords he killed them both.After that fight Bowie got famous for it and the whole nation knew about Jim Bowie. -
Jim Bowie Goes To Texas
This is the most important event (in my opinion) in Jim Bowies life.The reason being is this is when everything kicks off this marks Jim Bowies real mark on history as a american hero.Him comming to Texas makes him known as a american freedom fighter that draws hundreds of thousands of people to fight in the name of freedom (Mexican American war). -
Jim Bowie Becomes a Mexican Citizen
The reason being on the timeline is because.This is Jim Bowies attempt to get his life on track this is him go straight.This also marks him converting to Catholicism and that shows he wants to be normal (in the Mexican world). -
Jim Bowie Gets Married.
This is a big event in anybody's life this shows that Jim Bowie is really trying to be normal.This shows that he is committing to something and he wouldn't want to do anything stupid to hurt something he loves.What this also shows is that now if someone wants to hurt Jim Bowie (Which some will probably want to) they new where to go because he would never want to put in danger his wife. -
Jim Bowie Vs Indians
He left San Antonio with his brother Rezin and nine others.On the nineteenth they learned that a large Indian war party was following them,Bowie camped in an oak grove. Bowie's men fought for their lives for thirteen hours.The Indians finally drew off.The party returned to San Antonio.This is important because it shows that any where he went trouble followed.This also showed the courage to fight against anyone.This showed Jim Bowies willpower to get back home to his wife back in San Antonio. -
The Assault on San Antonio De Bexar
The reason this is Important is because it showed Mexico that Texans where some drunk idiots bumbling around.This also started to show America that the Texans can do this.And because of this people wanted to help the Texans win this war against Mexico.So the Texans got more recruits because of there success. -
The Battle Of Conception
Jim Bowie, Sterphen Austin, James Fannin and their armies layed siege to San Antonio. They holed up in the Concepcion mission, which was just outside the city. The Mexicans attacked, and Bowie's men devastated them with their rifles. They also picked off the Mexican artillery soldiers.This was the first major battle that the Texans had won against the Mexicans.This not only boosted the confindince and morale of the Texans but it inspired more people to join.This further him as a hero for Texas. -
Grass Fight
Bowie left the army for a brief trip to San Felipe in mid-November. He was back in San Antonio and on the twenty-sixth he and thirty horsemen rode out to check on a Mexican packtrain near town.And the train was filled with grass.This is Important regarding between the war between Texans and the Mexicans.This showed how both sides were desperate for supplies.This also showed that the Texans where putting up a good enough fight.That the Mexican army was going for the same supplies as the Texans. -
The Alamo
This is Jim Bowies death so this is next to his birth a big reason.This is also the final stand for the Texans this is where all of the Texas heroes died Davy Crockett William B Travis.This is also important because this fueled Americas involvement in this war.This is battle is the inevitable breaking point where Americans want to intervene and get into this fight.And this is the ultimate reason for the start of the Mexo-American War.