Jill's literacy timeline

  • My first memory of literacy

    When I was little my aunt Rhonda would read me childrens bedtime stories before bed when I spent the night with her. She also took me to church every Sunday, and in Sunday school they always read us stories.
  • My most memorable literacy experience--ever!

    In 5th grade my science teacher did a unit on pigs, and afterward to wrap up she read the class "A Day No Pigs Would Die." This book changed my life. It really opened up the world of books to me. After hearing it read aloud to me I was hooked on books.
  • Reading aloud--a new experience

    After my experience with "A Day No Pigs Would Die" I just had to share it, so I checked it out from the library at school and took it home. I begged my mom to let me read it to her and she agreed. Every night we sat down together and I read aloud to her my precious book. To this day it is one of my favorite memories of my mom.
  • My sister shared

    The summer after 6th grade my sister lent me a book by Dean Koontz titled "Dragon Tears," which opened up the world of horror/suspense to me. We didn't have television at our house and so all summer my sister and I would go get books by Dean Koonts and read and swap them with each other. We read all summer.
  • A childs imagination

    I remember reading "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" just afer my mom had inherited a lot of antiques from her uncle who passed away. Among the furniture was a wardrobe, which I fell in love with because of this book. I have it in my living room now, and I keep various things inside it--like my dog leashes and chew toys for instance. My dog learned to nudge the door open, and everytime he does my kids say, "Little Bit just went to Narnia."
  • John Saul

    My sister gave me a book by John Saul, title "Nathaniel." We loved it so much that when she had her first son she named him Nathaniel
  • Its summer reading--again

    My sister and I shared another summer of reading. This time the author was Stephen King. He became my favorite author during that summer. I read every book he had written at the time.
  • The Diray of Ann Frank

    This story really had an affect on me. We read it in my high school English class. After our first read through we did an in class play and the whole class wanted me to be Ann, because they all loved my reading voice, and the emotion I used when reading aloud. It was an awesome experience--doing the play with my peers in the intimate setting of our little class room.
  • Comes the blind fury

    I will never forget how reading "Comes the Blind Fury," opened my eyes to bullying and teasing. I had always been sort of a bully myself--so angry all the time. After reading this book I made a concious effort to change.
  • The Hobbit

    I am a huge fan of Stephen King, and I always notice the references he makes to pop culture, as well as other writers in his books. One book he references many times is The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. My husband, Shon, always loved this book, and I mentioned King always referencing it, and how I had never read it, We were on vacation at the beach, and Shon went out one afternoon and came back with a copy of The Hobbit as a gift for me, I read it, and loved it, and have been a Tolkien fan ever since
  • Desperation

    Man, this book to this day is one of the scariest, best books ever written. I couldn't put it down. I remember reading it late into the night and having to go into my bathroom in my bedroom to turn on the light, then going back into the living room to turn off the light in there while the bathroom light was still on. Then, running into my bathroom and as soon as I turned the light out I would leap into the bed. That is how scared this book made me. I couldn't even be in the dark after.
  • Dr. Seuss' Sleep Book and others

    Every night Shon and I read to the kids. He usually read Mckenzie to sleep, and I would read to Elijah. Dr. Seus was always their favorite author when they were little. Mine and Elijah's special book was Dr. Seuss' Sleep Book. I read it so many times that I still have most of it memorized. Are You My Mother, I Love You Forever, The Diggingest Dog, A Wocket in my Pocket, Oh Say Can You Say, and Goodnight Moon were some favorites.
  • Lisey's Story

    wow! this book made me fall in love with Stephen King all over again. I will never forget it.