Jihun's Educational History

  • Nursery School

    Nursery School
    My first Nursery school was soonchunhyang Nursery school I went that Nursery school for 2 years. I enjoyed eating berries from that nursery school. I was very friendly with others. I liked and I spend lots of time with bus driver in that nursery school. Also friend that I met in that Nursery school I'm contacting him till now.
  • Soo Jung Nursery school

    I moved to Soo Jung Nursery School when I was 5 year old. It met lots of new friends. There was twin teachers and both of them were my teacher one for 6 years old and one for 7 years old. They both liked me and I loved spending time with them. The best thing I loved in the Nursery school was having birthday party with my friends and teachers.
  • Asan Elementary School

    Asan Elementary School
    My first Elementary school was Asan elementary school. I spend there 7-8 years old time. I remember that everyday I walked to school with my friend. He was my best friend he was same nursery school with me before. So he was my bestie. I also remember having fun games in school and playing in playground.
  • Swimming

    I learned how to swim when I was 6 years old. I hate water and I got scared of water that time but now I'm just having fun with my swimming skills and playing in water. When I swim my parents says that you look like dolphin.
    When I was learning the swimming I had very hard time because I was very small and young to learn swimming but my brother helped me a lot to learn also my teacher.
  • CIS

    I moved to CIS which located in Bangalore. I moved to India because of my dad's job. He is working with the car materials. When I came to India I was in G2 I didn't know English well so I confused a lot but Korean student helped me. I was so thankful to him.
    When I came up to G3 I knew some of the English and I was able to talk with others. My teacher who is Ms. Prathibha was really great teacher and she supported me a lot. We had half of the semester because of Covid-19.
  • CIS G4-G5

    CIS G4-G5
    After finishing my Grade 3 I went up to G4. Whole year was just doing class in online. I remember that our class played Among Us. Only 10 of them was able to join Among Us because there was people limit. It was very harr to join game.
    From Grade five after doing some online class we were able to go school and able to meet each other. I was so happy that coming school but I got Covid-19 in semester 2 so I was not able to go school 1 month. It was so upset.
  • My Hobie

    My Hobie
    My best hobie is playing and spending time with my cat.
    I got my cat 2021 11.21. Our family brought from my driver. First when my cat arrived my home I was so nervous because she was very small to touch it and she was crying too much. So I carefully take out from her cage and hugged her. She was too fluffy and warm. I was so happy that time that I'm having new pet. She was my first pet.
    These days I play with her a lot and having lots of fun with her. I'm so happy that I have pet.
  • G6 In CIS

    G6 In CIS
    Last year I started G6 so far it is very great to see all the friends who I met untill now. Every teachers are perfect. I started learning some diffcult topics from G6 but my bestie Milan is helping me a lot to get perfect and get good score for everything. I also like to do swimming classes. When I was in elementary school I was not able to do because of pendemic.