Period: 1900 BCE to 1750 BCE
There was a Hebrew man, Abram who believed in one loving god while many others believed in more than one. The God of Abram and him had a very special relationship which lead to God giving Abram the name Abraham. God made a covenant with Abraham and promised to take care of his people and give them a safe and well land, in return Abraham and his people followed god loyally and lovingly. The sign for the covenant was Abraham and all the men down his line to be circumcised. -
Period: 1500 BCE to 1290 BCE
Israelite's under slavery
The Israelite's were under slavery in Egypt. At first the Jews were enslaved, but the Pharaoh realized the Israelite's were starting to rise in number and forced them into slavery because he feared an uprising.(http://www.bl.uk/learning/cult/inside/goldhaggadahstories/enslave/enslavement.html) -
1290 BCE
Moses was a prince of Egypt. He was born during the time when the Hebrew (Jewish) people were slaves. The Pharaoh ordered for all first born sons to be killed so Moses' Mother put him in a basket and sent him down the Nile river where the Pharaoh's daughter found him and kept him. Moses never forgot he was a Hebrew man and one day lost his temper and killed an Egyptian who beat a slave to death, then he ran away to another land. God spoke to Moses from a burning bush on top of Mount Horeb. -
1290 BCE
Moses pt.2
God told Moses to go back to Egypt and free his people. When Moses told the Pharaoh he did not listen because he did not want to lose his slaves. So God sent ten plagues in Egypt and Moses warned the Pharaoh of each one but he did not listen. When the last plague came, the angel of death, Moses told all the Hebrew people to put lamb blood on their doorposts to keep their first born sons from dying. When the Pharaohs son died he was so upset he said the Hebrew slaves could go. -
1290 BCE
Moses pt.3
The Pharaoh changed his mind again and sent his army after the Hebrew slaves and caught up to them at the red sea. God told Moses to put his staff up and when he did it split a pathway through the sea and all the Hebrews made it through and Moses put it up on the other side and drowned all the Egyptians pursuing them.(http://www.topmarks.co.uk/judaism/story-of-moses) -
1290 BCE
Moses pt,4
Exodus chapter 2:11 And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren.
12 And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that [there was] no man, he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand.// Exodus 3:4 And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I. -
1290 BCE
Moses pt.5
A lesson learned from Moses' experiences is that God is always watching. This is shown throughout the story of Moses because God looks out for Moses and the Hebrews
REFERENCES: (https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Moses/)
(http://www.topmarks.co.uk/judaism/story-of-moses) (The Bible- tv series) (http://www.gotquestions.org/Abrahamic-covenant.html) -
Period: 1250 BCE to 1020 BCE
Israelite's settling in the promise land
After Moses' the Israelite's crossed the Jordan river to live in the land promised to them by God, the promised land Canaan, the judges (great warriors) were sent to fight Israels enemies and conquer their land to split among the 12 tribes. (textbook) -
1000 BCE
Saul & the kingdom of Israel
The very first king of Israel Saul was appointed. When this happened the main 12 groups of Israel were split up, 10 tribes who lived mostly in the north stayed part of Israel and the other 2 became Judah. Israel recognized Saul's son as the next king but Judah saw David would be the next king, after Saul's son died everyone looked to David and later he became king. (textbook) -
721 BCE
Destruction of the kingdom
The northern kingdom of Israel was destroyed by the Assyrians, but the southern still stood.However the prophet Isaiah made a prediction that the southern kingdom would be destroyed right after the northern was. About a century later the southern kingdom was destroyed. -
Period: 597 BCE to 587 BCE
The Babylonian Exile
Babylonians overran Jerusalem and took the citizens of Judah captive and the southern kingdom was destroyed just as Isaiah predicted. The prophet Jeremiah told the captives to settle in in Babylon and in time God would free them. Back in Jerusalem more people were taken captive and those who were not captured fled into the land around the Mediterranean sea and called their settlement Diaspora. (textbook) -
Period: 323 BCE to 200 BCE
Greek domination of Palestine
A man known as Alexander the great dominated the world as one of the greatest leaders ever known, he led his army to many victories all over Greece but died at the age 33. After his death all his conquered land was split between his 2 generals, one was centered in Egypt and the other Syria, they then dominated Palestine for the next 150 years. -
Period: 142 BCE to 63 BCE
Tension in the Jewish kingdom
The Jews were independent from 142-63 BCE but they had very bad leaders, factions were seen throughout the country and they were known as Saducces, Esennes and Pharisees.throughout this time tension grew between the mainland Jews, the Galileans and between the mainland and the Samaritans. (textbook) -
Period: 63 BCE to 30
Roman domination in Israel
The Romans ruled Palestine from 63 BCE until a while after Jesus' death, in 37 BCE Herod the great was appointed as the ruler and ruled until about 4 BCE ( about 1-2 years after Jesus' birth). After his death came the division of Palestine among Herod's 3 sons. Herod Antipas became ruler of Galilee, and one became ruler of Judea but he was a bad leader so he was replaced by a Roman procurator known as Pontius Plane, and Jesus was crucified during his reign in about 30 AD, (textbook)