Jewish History

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    The Reign of King David

    King David was in power from 1010- 1002 BCE. King David was the second king of Isreal. King David created the beginnings of a secure, prosperous Isrealite empire. He made Jerusalm the city's capital and brought the Art of the Covenant there. This effected all the Isrealites because he made alligiences with surrounding nations and made Jerusalm the capital, which is even now the holy capital.
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    The Reign of King Solomon

    King Solomon was in power from 970 to 931 BCE. King Solomon, King David's son, then took his place and built a temple, which was to be the permanant ark of the covenant. However, this temple was then used to make sacrafices for Gods, which God did not permite, because he is the only God. This is important because it was the begining of their downfall.
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    Assyria Overtakes

    Took place is 722 BCE. King Hoshea of Isreal had such a corrupt kingdom that God permitted the kingdom of Assyria to overtake what was left of the small country of Isreal. Most of the remaining Israelites dispersed within Asyria.This effected where the Isrealites went to reside in.
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    Babylonians Destroy

    In 605 BCE King Nebuchadnezzar reigned Babylonia and captured Jerusalem. By 586 BCE the great walls of Jerusalem were attacked by the Babylonians. This event is important because it shows that having a corrupt kingdom would be the cause of a kingdoms downfall.
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    Persians Return

    In 515 BCE, the Persian King helped lead about 50,000 Jews back to Jerusalem and authorized the rebuilding of the temple. Most Jews did not return to Jerusalem from Babylonian. This later effected how the Jews came to live back in Jerusalem, and how many were attacked later in time in this capitol.
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    Ezra and the Torah

    At 430 BCE Ezra, the leader of the priestly class, formed the Torah. Firat they wrote Genisis 1 to glorify the improtance and omnipotence of their God. The Torah was read in the Public square. This event effected Judiasm greatly later in time, the Torah is still greatly studied and used in many religions currently.
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    Antiochus IV Epiphanes and Hellenism

    From 175-164 BCE Antiochus IV Epiphanes was a Hellenistic ruler of Syria. He tried to force Hellenistic beleifs on everyone and punished those who didn't. This caused Jewish people to get a degree of independence for Judiasm.
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    At around 63 BCE there was a popular beleif that a messiah would come to rescue the people from all their sufferings. To show that God is the one and only God. Many beleive that Jesus was the messiah. This effects many Jewish people because they believe and worship to this day Jesus.
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    The first rebellion against the Romans occured in 66 CE. The Jewish defenders were slaughtered and the Jewish Temple was destroyed. This only left a course of foundation stones, which even to this day still remain, and are called the Western Walls.
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    2nd Rebellion Against Romans

    At 132-135 CE, a second revolt occured. Jerusalem was reduced to ruins. All the really remained was the Western Wall. This later effected how Jews came to live in Jerusalem to this day.
  • Maccabees and the Hasmonean Family

    The Maccabean Rebelion occured in 164 BCE. This won a degree of independence for Judea and established a new and independent kingdom called Isreal again, rulled by the Hasmonean family. This effected who later came for the kingdom.
  • Romans (Pompey)

    In 63 BCE the Roman General Pompay conquested the kingdom. This is important because it was the last independent Jewish nation until the later 20th century.