Jesus to 500 AD

  • 33

    The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

  • 33


  • 33

    The Apostles Spread the Gospel

  • 33

    St Stephen Martyred

  • 34

    The Conversion of Saint Paul

  • 42

    St. John travels to Ephesus with the Blessed Virgin Mary

    John 19:25-27tells of how, from the cross, Jesus charged saint John to take care of his mother
  • 44

    St. James is martyred; his body is secretly buried in Spain

    Christians stole his body in a boat to Spain, to a place that would later be known as Santiago
  • 46

    St Paul begins missionary journeys to Galatia, Greece, Syria, and other places

  • 49

    Council of Jerusalem

    This council affirms the New Covenant in Christ means that Christians are not bound by Mosaic Law and that Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to Jew and Gentile alike
  • 64

    Persecution of Christians begins under Roman emperor Nero

  • 64

    Persecution of Christians begins

  • 70

    Romans burn the Jewish temple in Jerusalem

  • 80

    Didache written

  • 99

    All the writings that will become a part of the New Testament have been written by this datee

  • 250

    Persecution under Roman emperor Decius

    Decius required all to worship his god or they would be tortured/killed
  • 251

    Council of Carthage

    Allowed people to come back to Christ during the period of persecution
  • 303

    Persecution under Roman Emperor Diocelatin

    He ordered the destruction of all Christians
  • 313

    Constatine issues Edict of Milan

    Emperor Constatine ends the persecution with the edict of milan
  • 325

    Council of Nicea

    This council set forth the Nicene Creed
  • 330

    Emperor Constatine divides the Roman empire

    The west was centered in Rome while the East was centered in Constantinople
  • 330

    Construction of Peter's Basillica in Rome

  • 397

    The Councils of hippo and carthage determine which books will become a part of the new testament

  • 410

    The visigoths destroy Rome

  • 431

    Council of Ephesus

    This council confirmed that Mary is the true mother of God
  • 451

    Council of Chalcedon

    This council affirmed that Christ is fully human and fully divine
  • 476

    The Western Roman Empire collapses

  • 496

    Clovis, the king of the Franks, converts to catholicism