Jesus- AD 500

  • 64

    persecuation of christians begins under roman emperor nero

  • 250

    persecution under roman emperor decius

  • 251

    council of carthage

  • 303

    persecaution under roman emperor diocletian

  • 313

    emperor contasntne issues the edict of milan

  • 325

    council of nicea

  • 330

    emperor constantine divides the roman empire into east and west

  • 330

    construction of the first st peters a basicala in rome

  • 397

    the councils of hippo and carthage determine which books will become part of the testament

  • 410

    the visgoths destroy the city of rome

  • 431

    council of ephesus

  • 451

    council of chalcedon

  • 476

    the western roman empire collapses

  • 496

    clovis, the king of franks, coverts to catholicism