Research (22/11/11)
In todays lesson, started to do some research and we started by creating a spiceynode, we determined ‘What is horror?’. We used a range of different topics to determine this including setting, audience & representations.
By doing this, I have learnt what exactly horror is and what most of the codes and conventions of it is. I have especially learnt a lot on the idea of representations in horror movies. Some of the most common representations are women, old people and young children. -
Period: to
Production Log
Thursday 24th November 2011
In todays lesson we created a wall wisher full of our initial ideas. This is the first time we have started to think about any initial ideas that we might have for our final piece and by using wallwisher, it enabled us to be as creative as possible. Wallwisher enabled us to draft down our ideas in note form for certain areas of our coursework such as representations, setting, plot and audiences. -
Friday 25th November 2011
In todays lesson I created three different mood boards based on the horror genre. I included pictures which represented the mise-en-scene, plots, characters and items of each of these sub genres. I carried out this piece of research because it helps me to find out what makes a typical ‘gore’ movie. If I was to use any of these sub genres for my opening sequence then by creating a moodboard, I would be able to take ideas from previous movies that were based around the same sub genre. -
Tuesday 29th November 2011
I have created three PowerPoint’s on an analysis of three different title sequences. I analysed 30 Days of Night, Silent Hill and Ginger Snaps. I looked at each of the film’s title sequences because by doing this, I was able to recognise the conventions of a title sequence so when it came to making my own, it would look as professional as possible. This enabled me to take ideas and interpret them onto my own title sequence. -
Tuesday 29th November 2011 (CONT)
I think that I will try and use as many conventions possible that were also present in the three title sequences which I studied. I was also able to recognise how different aspects of the plot were represented through different parts of the title sequence but also that, none of the plot was given away. I learnt that a good title sequence will give enough of the plot away so that audiences want to watch the rest of the film but won’t give too much away so that the film is ruined. -
Thursday 1st December 2011
W started to create our own initial ideas for a title sequence. We expanded on our ideas of a concept, the typography, sounds and the mise-en-scene that we were going to include in our title sequence. By doing this, it gave us a chance to actually think about the conventions which were going to make up our own title sequence and from this, we were able to make changes from our first initial ideas which we created on wallwisher. -
Friday 2nd December 2011
In todays lesson, we started to research into well-known production companies who have produced well known horror movies. When looking at the logo we specifically analysed the colours used, the typography and any images the logo had with it. By doing this, it made planning our own production company logo a lot easier because we had recognised which colours and typography especially were widely used for horror production company logos. -
Friday 2nd December 2011 (CONT)
From this, we knew which kind of colours we had to include in ours and also to suit the typography to the name of the production company. After we had carried out some research, we began to create some draft sketches of our own production company logo. -
Tuesday 6th December 2011
Today we researched a well-known horror movie’s synopsis and analysed it. I found the synopsis of ‘Mirrors’ and analysed all of the conventions of a synopsis. By doing this, we were able to learn what exactly a synopsis is and what it should tell the audience about your film. From researching other well-known horror movies synopsis it made writing our own one a lot easier as we knew what it should say and how it should be written. -
Thursday 8th December 2011
We spent todays lessons doing a font analysis and trying out our own typography that we want to use in our horror movie. By doing this we were able to recognise what common types of font were used in horror movies and we were able to analyse the font and say what the type of font denotes and could connote. This task helped me because I knew what types of fonts not to use for my own typography and I was also able to find a font which connoted the plot of my film best. -
Thursday 15th - Thursday 29th December 2011 Research
Over the next few weeks, I will be carrying out some audience research outside of lesson. Doing audience research helps because it enables you to find out what people’s opinions are. From a questionnaire, I will be able to find what the most popular and unpopular parts of a horror movie are and why. I am also going to try and interview a few people one to one and film it. By doing this, I will gain a more in depth interpretation from audiences of horror movies and I will be able to analyse it. -
Tuesday 3rd January 2012 - Tuesday 10th January 2012
In the past few lessons, we started to create our storyboards. We have started to develop our own ideas that we are going to use for our actual piece. We have split it into, the distribution logo, the title sequence and the opening sequence. I decided to do my opening sequence before the title sequence in my overall piece because I think that this builds up pressure for the audience. -
Tuesday 3rd January 2012 - Tuesday 10th January 2012 (CONT)
We made sure that everything looked as professional as possible and that everything was complete. We also made any necessary changes.
It is important to make sure that storyboards are made because it helps to plan what is going to go on in your final piece. It ensures that the final piece is structured well and it makes it a lot easier to film because everything is laid out and easy to follow. -
Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th January 2012
Over this weekend, I started the filming for my horror movie. By looking at my shot list I decide what shots were going to be filmed on what day due to similar locations and characters. For example, on Saturday I filmed shots 2, 10 and 12 at Mayesbrook Park because they were all to be filmed at the same location and were all part of my title sequence. On Sunday, I filmed the shots 3, 6, 8b and 9 at my house because all of these had the same location. -
Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd January 2012
Over this weekend, I continued the filming for my horror movie. By looking at my shot list I again decided what shots were going to be filmed on what day due to similar locations and characters. I mainly focused on my opening sequence this week rather than last week wheni focused on my title sequence. I filmed shots 2 to 12b for my opening sequence and shots 4, 5 and 11 on Saturday and on Sunday I filmed shots 7, 8a and 12 for my title sequence and shots 13 to 21 for my opening sequence. -
Tuesday 24th January to 20th March 2012
During this period of time we have been editing our films. We have been concentrating on sound, titles and effect on our films and throughout the editing period we have created our titles, music and sounds.