My parents began the process that would eventually turn into ME! -
Period: to
Germinal Period Begins
The first two weeks of prenatal development after conception. Rapid Cell division and the beginning of cell differentation. -
Embryonic Period Begins
The stage of prenatal development from the 3rd week through the 8th week after conception. Basic forms of all body structures, including internal organs. -
Fetal Period Begins
The stage of prenatal development from the 9th week after conception until birth. fetus gains weight and organs become more mature, gradually able to function on their own. -
I was born!
My mom spent 41 weeks carrying me on the inside and spent 34 hours trying to push me out! Biosocial. Birth. -
Period: to
First Two years
First Smile
my mom says I was a very happy smiley baby. pyschosocial. -
First Laugh
Once I smiled it was only a couple weeks til I started laughing at all funny faces and tickles. pyschosocial. -
Sleeping Through the Night
Sleeping through the night with naps during the day. -
Babbling began
My mom called me a chatter box, always trying to be part of a conversation even at 4 months. Cognitive. -
Began to crawl.
I was a quick learner and crawled pretty quickly at 6 months old. Biosocial. -
First Words
I said Dadda first and then Momma a few days later. Cognitive. -
Began to Walk
Just as I crawled early, I was walking at 9 months. Biosocial. -
First Birthday!
Attachment to Mommy
1 year old. My mom went back to work, since she cleaned houses and we couldn't afford a sitter, I went with her. This is when I truly became a mommy's girl and was always helping her cook and clean. pyschosocial. -
Speaking in Sentences
Putting two words together to explain what I wanted or needed. Cognitive. -
Period: to
Early Childhood
4 years old. My first moments truly away from my mom during the week. Cognitive. -
Sister was born.
4 years old. I was very excited to have a sister. My mom said I was a great helper. pyschosocial. -
Started Soccer.
5 years old. Started my first year of soccer. Cognitive. -
Kindergarden, Johnson Elementary
5yrs old. Started at Johnson Elementary in Milford, Michigan. Cognitive. -
Period: to
Middle Childhood. 6-11yrs.
Pre-First at Oxbow Elementary.
6 years old. I wasn't quite where I needed to be for 1st grade and so when i switched schools I went to pre-first. Cognitive. -
Tie Shoes.
6 years old. Learned how to tie my own shoes. Biosocial. -
Lost First Tooth
6yrs old. Lost first tooth. Biosocial -
My brother was born.
6 years old. My mom said I wasn't that excited for my brother. I would always say "There is enough kids, mom". pyschosocial. -
My First Cat, Calvin
6 years old. I was getting jealous of my baby brother and so my parents got me a "baby" of my own. pyschosocial. -
Learned to read.
7yrs old. Reading was very difficult for me and after a minor set back at 7 years old I was catching on. Cognitive. -
Disney World!
7 years old. We went on our first BIG family trip to Disney World and I was also pulled up on stage at one of the shows. Pyschosocial. -
Started Select League for Soccer.
10 years old. Started my first Select league for soccer. -
Parents Divorced
11 years old. My dad left my mom right before Christmas. psychosocial. -
Started Middle School
All the elementary schools coming together with lots of knew people. I met a lot of new friends. Cognitive. -
Started Middle School, White Lake Middle School.
10yrs old. Started Middle School and got to ride the same bus as my older brother because high school and middle school road the same bus. Cognitive. -
Period: to
Start Puberty
Started my peroid. I felt like I fit in with the older kids now. Biosocial. -
Started High School, Lakeland Highschool.
14 years old. Started High School at Lakeland High School, the year after my oldest brother graduated. Cognitive. -
First High School Dance
Homecoming! pyschosocial. -
First Boyfriend
First Boyfriend, Captain of the Football team. Pyschosocial. -
Joined the Leadership Program
Leadership helps organize school events and fundraisers. Cognitive. -
Learned to Drive
Pyschosocial. -
Broke my nose
Broke my nose during a Varsity Soccer game. Biosocial. -
Period: to
Emerging Adulthood
Graduated High School
A new life is about to begin. Cognitive. -
Orientation at WMU
Biosocial. -
Moved into Co-ed Dorms.
Pyschosocial. -
Started at WMU
Cognitive -
Broke up with High School Boyfriend
First Love, ended. Pyschosocial. -
Picked a Major
I picked a major Education. Cognitive. -
Dad had brain Surgery.
Pyschosocial. First time either of my parent's lives are were in danger. -
Left WMU
Left WMU to help take care of my dad after brain surgery. Biosocial. -
Met my Future Husband.
and soon to be father of my son. Pyschosocial. -
Period: to
Start playing Soccer Again.
Started playing rec soccer again. Biosocial. -
Started at Ross Medical School
Started back at school. Cognitive. -
Got my First Medical Assistant Job
Pyschosocial. -
Moved in with Mark.
We finally moved in together after dating since 2007. Pyschosocial. -
Started eating Organically
Started taking an active interest in what I was putting into my body. Biosocial. -
Found out I was Pregnant.
Found out that we got pregnant while I was in Mexico in July. Pyschosocial. -
Son was born
My first son was born on april fools day. Pyschosocial. -
Got engaged.
Got enegaged on Mother's Day. Pyschosocial. -
Car accident & hurt my back.
Got hit by a semi on 275 and hurt my back and neck. Biosocial. -
Started at Schoolcraft
Cognitive. -
Will be Married
We will be married in Cabo, San Lucas with our family and closest friends. Pyschosocial. -
Will be applying for the Nursing Program.
Moving forward in my education. Cognitive. -
Graduate from nursing school
Cognitive- graduation from schoolcraft nursing school. -
BRgin Full Time Career at a Hospital
Cognitive - Begin full time employment at a hospital working in labor and delivery. -
Watch my son graduate High School
Pyschosocial -
1st grandchild is born
Pyschosocial -
Period: to
Late Adulthood
Retire from Nursing
Cognitive -
Begin Traveling with my Husband
Pyschosocial -
Begin Volunteering with local charties
Cognitive -
Start to have health issues
Biosocial - need to start slowing down and become more of a home body -
Begin Gardening
Biosocial - I'm not the type to just sit around so I take up gardening on a bigger scale in my yard. -
Death- peacefully while I'm sleeping.