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Jessica Coss - Timeline

  • Day I was born

    Day I was born
    July 27th 1996 was the day I was born. I was born at Victoria hospital in Winnipeg Manitoba at 3:50pm. I weighted 10 pounds and was 21 inches long.
  • My brother being born

    My brother being born
    On Janruary 6th 2000, My little brother was born. His name is Steven and weighted 10 pounds. He was born at St. Bonifice hospital in Winnipeg Manitoba
  • First day of kindergarten

    First day of kindergarten
    I was five years old when i first started school. I went to Island Lakes Community School and attended school in the mornings
  • My first pet

    My first pet
    When I was seven years old i got my first pet. It was a teddy bear hampster named stuart. He was white and brown and every night we would have to bring him into the basement because he'd be up all night on his wheel.
  • First tube ride

    First tube ride
    My family spends all our summers out at the lake, so our first tube ride was such a big deal. Ever since that day for the rest of the summer we asked day after day if we could go.
  • Tornado/Bow echo wind storm

    Tornado/Bow echo wind storm
    We were at our lake and there was a tornado. We were up all night and my cousins were over but were unable to leave. The power was out for months after since all of the trees on the power lines. We had to even wait to drive back to the city untill the trees were romoved from the roads.
  • Good Bye

    Good Bye
    My dad sold his old car that we grew up with. Me and my brother both cried. We learned that day that everything doesnt last forever. When we got the new car everything was good again.
  • Max

    We got our new puppy and named him max. He was two months old. It was out second pet every and our first time getting a dog.
  • I met my bestfriend

    I met my bestfriend
    In sixth grade I met my bestfriend and to this day she's like my sister. We couldn't be any closer and i'm so glad we have become such good friends.
  • Champions

    In grade 7 my volleyball team made it all the way to the finals and won. It was the first time I had won first place in a division.
  • Camp

    My grade 6 class went to camp. It was the first time I ever went to camp and i'll never fotget that experience. There was so many fun avtivites and new adventures that we went on. Our team was called blue lightning
  • Bought a new trailor

    Bought a new trailor
    We bouch a new puma trailer. It was much bigger than our old one and even had a slide out. We were very excited to get it out to the lake.
  • Grad

    I had my grade 8 grad ceremony and was awarded with a metal for being a leader a long with a few other students. We had a dinner and dance as well.
  • Siblings

    This was the night i met two of the most adorable kids. They ended up being attatched to me all summer and ever summer after that. They are like my ther brother and sister
  • Meditation

    My family and I went on a day trip to a lake called meditation lake. You have to walk threw a path about 3 miles to get there and it was one of the most picture perfect place.
  • Drivers License

    Drivers License
    I took my in class drivers test and passed the first try. I was then able to get my beginners and drive for the first time.
  • First Trip

    First Trip
    My family and I took our first trip ever and went to Playa Del Carmen Mexico. We stayed with my uncle and aunt at there condo and it was the best spring break I have ever had. So many memories were made
  • Champs

    I've played soccer ever since I can remember and this last season has been the best one yet. I play for southdale and last year we won City A champ and league champs.
  • Uni

    I applied to the U of W. It was a big step and there was lots to think about.
  • Winning Grade wars

    Winning Grade wars
    In grade 12 we finally pulled it off and worked together as a whole grade and won grade wars. It took us four years but it was the best one yet.