
  • 4.2 Non-Gender Behavior

    4.2 Non-Gender Behavior
    Non-gender behavior is when a person doesn't follow the typical gender behavior found in that society. A great example is when my younger brother broke his arm. The doctor asked Justin what color he wanted for his cast. He chose pink since he liked the color. My dad said no to pink and even purple, which was his second choice. He ended up with a green cast. What is ironic about this is that I broke my arm a week before and my parents were ok with my blue cast.
  • 4.1 Gender-Typed Behavior

    I have two brothers and one sister. I can tell that my parents treated us differently. My parents allowed my brothers to mow the lawn but didn't allow my sister and I to do it. My dad said its man's job because they are stronger. My parents also didn't let my younger brother play with us when we were playing with Barbie dolls because "it’s for girls." This is a great example of gender-typed behavior.
  • 2.1 Early Maturer

    2.1 Early Maturer
    I entered puberty at an early age when I was eleven years old. I remember being terrified when I saw blood spots on my underwear and not knowing what it was. At that time I have not learned about puberty because I started puberty in the summer before the 5th grade when they provide us with sex education. After reading the textbook I found that I fit the description of early maturer, however I got married at a later time.
  • 7.1 Transition to Middle School

    It was a tough transition into middle school for me because I didn't get to go to the same middle school as all of my peers from elementary. I was in a different environment since the new school was in a suburban area when my elementary school was in a rural part of the state. Also, I didn't get to select the subjects I wanted to take because I was part of an IEP. My teachers and others decided what subjects I should take that fit my academic needs. This caused me to be a bit anti-social.
  • 6.1 Parent Adolescent Conflict

    6.1 Parent Adolescent Conflict
    My parents got divorced when I was 14. That is when parent-adolescent conflict took a turn for the worse. An example of when we would argue is when I would want to go hang out with friends but she wouldn't let me. She would either force me to stay home and take care of the kids or go to my dad's house for the weekend. We got into many arguments almost every day. She was a very controlling mother and I was a rebellious teenager. This dynamic caused a lot of conflicts.
  • 1.1 Entering Adolescence

    1.1 Entering Adolescence
    When I was 13-14 years old is when I would say I entered adolescence. During this time my parents were getting a divorce, I was going through puberty, and my emotions were on a rollercoaster with what was happening around me. Being a teenager wasn't easy for me since I am the only deaf person in my family and was trying to find my identity and fit in at middle school at this time. I had to become more independent since my mom relied on me to look after my younger siblings.
  • 2.2 Niche Picking

    2.2 Niche Picking
    I believe this is an example of when I was niche picking because I was involved with cross-country. I felt compatible and stimulated with my girls in cross-country. I would have to get up at 5 am every morning to meet them at school and run 12 miles together. Running is something that I've always found refreshing and stimulating. This was the beginning of my high school years when I was struggling to find something compatible and stimulating.
  • 3.1 Personal Fable

    3.1 Personal Fable
    This is where I developed a personal fable and my mom and I argued a lot. I would have that kind of attitude where I thought it was impossible for my mom to understand me. For example, I wanted to go hang out with friends and she said no. I got so mad because I did everything she asked for that week and I thought it would be nice to take a break from home and hang out with friends and yet she still said no. I felt as if she was just too old to understand me and why I wanted to go.
  • 3.2 Self Protection

    I remember how I view myself as a ugly person because of acne. That was all I worried about in my adolescence. Now looking back, I shouldn't have focus on that because appearance is not the most important thing in adolescence.
  • 8.1 Rite of Passage

    My mom would take me to my biological mother's cemetery growing up. When I got my driver license at 16, I would drive myself to my mom's cemetery. This was a rite passage in my opinion. This marked a transition into adulthood and a separation from immediate family, and matches what the textbook mentions. Getting a driver's license is a sign of a transition into adulthood and a sign of gained independence and a good example of that is driving to my mom's cemetery by myself.
  • 6.2 Stimulation

    6.2 Stimulation
    My best friend Kendra and I lived in the same small town and went to a school that is 45 minutes away from us. We revem rode on the same bus to school. Every morning when the bus picked us up we were excited to chat and have fun on the bus together. We didn't have the same classes during the day, but on bus rides we always had that stimulation as the textbook described. Stimulation is when a friendship provides adolescents with interesting information, excitement, and amusement. (Santrock, 2016)
  • 6.3 Intimacy/Affection

    6.3 Intimacy/Affection
    I remember my first time having intercourse with my first boyfriend. After that, I needed to express my concerns and talk about some things I talked to my best friend Donesha who I have been friends with since Pre-School. I asked her personal questions about sex and intercourse. She was willing and open talk to me about it. Our friendship is a warm, close, and trusting relationship which according to the textbook is Intimacy/affection relatinship. (Santrock, 2016)
  • 1.2 Emerging Adulthood

    1.2 Emerging Adulthood
    During this time I was going through a lot of issues with mom and she kicked me out in the middle of my senior year. and I moved in to live with my dad. When I was with my mom I wasn't able to focus on myself and I almost failed a few classes. Living with dad was much better for me, I was able to graduate, build my identity, get my first job, had a boyfriend, and built my relationship with my dad while my mom gave me space. This is when I went through emerging adulthood.
  • 3.3 Possible Self

    Being deaf in a mainstreamed school I was told that I can't be a teacher because I'm deaf by my VR counselor. That resulted me being afraid of pursuing many possible careers. Now looking back, I realized I was silly to think that way. I can do anything I want and set my goals and do it!
  • 7.2 Transition to College

    In college, I still lived with dad and went to community college on and off for about 4 years until I transferred to Gallaudet. That was a big transition! Being at Gallaudet is the best thing ever happened to me since I was able to communicate directly with teachers and learned more about life in general. I was able to find my identity and let my personality shine through.
  • 7.3 Intrinsic Motivation

    I had intrinsic motivation to pass all of my classes with straight A's so I could be on the Dean's List. I had that motivation when I realized that I should have took my GPA more seriously in high school when I should have. I wanted to build my skills to work harder and do better in school. I wanted to have good grades on my transcript and being on the Dean's list is representative of that.